Submitted by RefrigeratorRater t3_zu9po8 in rva
potatocross t1_j1hqwro wrote
Henrico is one of a few counties in the state that maintains its own roads. They get funding from the state, but all the work is contracted by them. So the difference is it’s not VDOT maintaining the roads.
Chickenmoons t1_j1hwdzj wrote
VDOT doesn’t maintain Richmond City roads either.
DeviantAnthro t1_j1hyujz wrote
We can tell
RulerOfTheRest t1_j1hugre wrote
The only other county in the Commonwealth is Arlington, and these two counties not only are able to select their own contractors, but have the equipment to do the work themselves for many projects...
Prestigious_Laugh300 t1_j1ol7ot wrote
> but have the equipment to do the work themselves for many projects...
They did a sewer repair near my house, a truck rolled in with Henrico stickers hauling a paver thing. Could have been a henrico-only road contractor who just bought the stickers but it looked like county vehicles.
RulerOfTheRest t1_j1xnupt wrote
The county does own several pieces of road paving equipment, you can seem them sometimes coming out of our going into the DPW facility off of Woodman. They'll also use their backhoes, front loaders, and other heavy equipment to clear the roads after a snowstorm. When they installed the new sewer system in Lakeside though, they contracted that out and the company that did it did not have any Henrico stickers on their vehicles, and the paving equipment was different than what I've seen the county use. The contractor did, however, manage to pave over each of the manhole covers, which the county had to come out and fix with their trucks...
lunar_unit t1_j1i6ij3 wrote
>The only other county in the Commonwealth is Arlington,
Whut? This isn't accurate. There are 95 counties and 38 independent cities in Virginia.
Each one of those counties has its own county seat and county government. Independent cities are equivalent to counties and also have their own governments, budgets, courthouses and city managers/government. And they all maintain their own stuff.
fusion260 t1_j1i6uw9 wrote
I think they're saying "the only other county in the Commonwealth [that maintains their own roads] is Arlington"
lunar_unit t1_j1i7keb wrote
Again, whut? Am I missing some subtle English syntax here?
Counties and independent cities in Virginia maintain their own stuff, not VDOT.
Fairfax country maintains it's own roads. Rockbridge county maintains its own roads, etc, etc, as is done across the state.
fusion260 t1_j1iarrx wrote
Ah, now I see what you mean.
My understanding is that VDOT is responsible for maintaining all roads across the Commonwealth, including in counties, except in Henrico and Arlington and independent cities (like Richmond) and towns.
I only recall seeing "End of VDOT Road Maintenance" (maybe in slightly different wording) when I enter Henrico County from the surrounding areas.
At least from this page on VDOT's "Report a Road Problem" page, it says (emphasis mine):
>Note: VDOT does not maintain roads in cities, towns, or in Henrico and Arlington counties, except for interstates and major primary roads.
>VDOT does not maintain all sidewalks, or pedestrian or bike paths. Some may be maintained by localities.
FromTheIsle t1_j1ig9uk wrote
Chesterfield doesn't maintain its own roads. VDOT does.
lunar_unit t1_j1ik07i wrote
It seems to depend on the road, and perhaps where it is within the county, vs town inside the county. Looking at their street projects, some are funded by VDOT, others by CVTA, some are grants from federal funding, and some is paid for by the county.
FromTheIsle t1_j1ildv9 wrote
From my past reading on the CVTA, that money is just granted to the county and many of the other towns/cities/counties in the central Virginia area. Chesterfield I think is one of the largest recipients. But still it's not really given in a management capacity, it's considered revenue on the county budget. Interestingly VDOT maintenance isn't accounted for in the budget, which is something I've been trying to learn more about. Like how does VDOT allocate money per county and what is the invisible expense that isn't on the county ledgers because they fall under VDOT discretion?
chasetwisters t1_j1kavpt wrote
The counties can all fund their own projects but they have to be accepted by VDOT (other than Henrico and Arlington).
The only exception is VA and US routes in Henrico are still VDOT maintained.
ValidGarry t1_j1iku4c wrote
Roads are first built with funding then adopted for maintenance. That's VDOT for most of the state other than the 2 x counties mentioned.
Freseper t1_j1jz7d4 wrote
This is not true. Due to the Byrd Road Act of 1932, the vast majority of roads in Virginia are maintained by the state directly.
lunar_unit t1_j1kc91t wrote
Very interesting read. Thank you for the clarification.
WikiSummarizerBot t1_j1kcajg wrote
>The Byrd Road Act was an Act of Assembly passed in February 1932 by the Virginia General Assembly. Named for former Governor Harry F. Byrd, the legislation was originally presented as measure to relieve the financial pressures of the Great Depression upon the counties, as the state offered to take over responsibility and control of most county roads, creating the Virginia Secondary Roads System. Under state auspices, much was accomplished in improving the state's roads, most of which were not hard-surfaced when the system was created.
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Bogeys4Days t1_j1kezdi wrote
Henrico & Arlington maintain their own secondaries. VDOT maintains primaries such as US 250 (W Broad St) and Rte. 33 (Staples Mill Rd.). Primaries are route numbers under 600.
lunar_unit t1_j1i6573 wrote
VDOT maintains interstates and state routes. Most streets (and schools, government, infrastructure) inside a town or city are maintained by the county or city in which they exist.
turnipmeatloaf t1_j1i94ug wrote
According to VDOT, they maintain secondary roads for all counties except Henrico and Arlington
lunar_unit t1_j1iaj4i wrote
Interesting. Today I learned.
However VDOT also states that they don't maintain roads in cities and towns (town are inside counties, and most Virginia cities are independent, thus responsible for their own stuff (like the City of Richmond.)
>Note: VDOT does not maintain roads in cities, towns, or in Henrico and Arlington counties, except for interstates and major primary roads. VDOT does not maintain all sidewalks, or pedestrian or bike paths. Some may be maintained by localities. Please submit a separate report for each request.
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