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FromTheIsle t1_j1ig9uk wrote

Chesterfield doesn't maintain its own roads. VDOT does.


lunar_unit t1_j1ik07i wrote

It seems to depend on the road, and perhaps where it is within the county, vs town inside the county. Looking at their street projects, some are funded by VDOT, others by CVTA, some are grants from federal funding, and some is paid for by the county.


FromTheIsle t1_j1ildv9 wrote

From my past reading on the CVTA, that money is just granted to the county and many of the other towns/cities/counties in the central Virginia area. Chesterfield I think is one of the largest recipients. But still it's not really given in a management capacity, it's considered revenue on the county budget. Interestingly VDOT maintenance isn't accounted for in the budget, which is something I've been trying to learn more about. Like how does VDOT allocate money per county and what is the invisible expense that isn't on the county ledgers because they fall under VDOT discretion?


chasetwisters t1_j1kavpt wrote

The counties can all fund their own projects but they have to be accepted by VDOT (other than Henrico and Arlington).

The only exception is VA and US routes in Henrico are still VDOT maintained.


ValidGarry t1_j1iku4c wrote

Roads are first built with funding then adopted for maintenance. That's VDOT for most of the state other than the 2 x counties mentioned.