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upearlyRVA t1_j2d1fuf wrote

Wife likes to clean up the house to bring in the new year, so I'll probably be doing that. Afterwards we will be hanging with some friends.


Poke-a-dotted t1_j2d2arg wrote

I’m sick. First time in a while. Currently no plans due to the sickness. Trying to catch up on laundry maybe.


mam88k t1_j2d7s20 wrote

After a quick grocery run we’re staying in. Family board games, snacks, stream a movie and potentially catch some college football. No need to watch the ball drop, but adult beverages will be in play. All in all a good day. Hope everyone else has a happy new year.


Melodic_Apple_9504 t1_j2ddgp3 wrote

Working all day, but this evening it’s Goose Live Stream with xmas morning or two and board games with my Honey Bee when I get off of work.


cleverocks t1_j2df33e wrote

Driving a dear friend to the airport soon then just piddling around.


momthom427 t1_j2dh8zh wrote

I may or may not meet a few friends at a brewery later. I’m learning toward not. I’m kind of partied out at this point. I may put my pajamas on, watch a movie, and be snoozing by 10.


Stitchmond t1_j2dibkg wrote

While we're on the topic, something I really hate is when the word ultimate is used to mean "the best" when all it really means is "the last." This is the ultimate day of the year.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j2dihht wrote

We usually stream the fireworks from Paris so the kids can do the countdown well before midnight.


manyamile t1_j2djbbm wrote

NYE plans fell apart. I'm not remotely upset by this.

With some luck, it will be a quiet night of eating bone-in pork chops, drinking whisky, and watching Glass Onion on Netflix.

Tomorrow I'll be up early to plant onions.


TripawdCorgi t1_j2dkl60 wrote

Did anyone else in the Manchester or nearby neighborhoods notice a weird smell in the fog this morning? Took our pupper out twice around 7/8a and both times there was a chemically smell in the air (not the usual smells that can sometimes waft through the area under the right conditions).


iluvpntbtr t1_j2dkv95 wrote

Started day out taking my teen to swim practice.

We’ll spend the evening having fondue as we do every NYE. Cheese then broth. We received the fondue pot for a wedding gift. Just celebrated our 17 year anniversary yesterday.

Happy New Years!


juwanna-blomie t1_j2dl1n8 wrote

Is anyone doing anything, apart from house parties, that isn’t a shitty cash grab tonight?

Feel like everything is “pay $10-20 to be allowed into a place, and you get a 1oz pour of the cheapest sparkling substance known to mankind! What a steal!”


BabyBat07 t1_j2dldbx wrote

I swear those groups of joggers in Westhampton have a death wish because who wears dark clothes to go running in thick fog?? I swear I almost creamed a few of them because they weren’t visible until I was right up on them.


hikinganew t1_j2dlixh wrote

I want to be stuck at work but my car is out of commission and now I’m off work for the foreseeable future. Which is awesome in the sense that it’s going to crush my spirit, thanks universe 😌

But I do have butter chicken and I’m trying to figure it out. I am not a fan of waiting on insurance companies tho.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j2dlmlc wrote

Better half is working so I should start on my resolution to read more. Hitting up either Rosie's or PLP for a 7pm toast because this old lady rarely makes it past 830 anymore.


adognamedgoat t1_j2dm0ru wrote

Trying to decide how much I should be in public. My parents were with us during the first half of the week and my dad tested positive for covid on Wednesday night. We'd last seen him Wednesday morning (at which point, he tested negative - with flying and a potential exposure four days prior, they were being extra cautious around us).

We're 72 hours out without symptoms and I tested negative, but it's weird how in the first half of this pandemic, we would have been expected to stay home for ten days and now we're told to just go out into the world and watch for symptoms. I don't want to make other people sick! I know three older people who have died this month from covid.


lemon_difficult90 t1_j2dm3x2 wrote

This is my first NYE alone as an adult, and although I’m not the party sort, it was always nice to have somebody to spend the evening with. I’m pretty bummed about it. I’m gonna deep clean my apartment and do my best to pretend it’s any other Saturday. I don’t think I’ve had a worse year than 2022, so the blackeyed peas I’m making have an awful lot of work to do tomorrow.


WildSwimming9311 t1_j2dmtl0 wrote

PLF’S Decemberween at Diversity. Big line of up RVA DJ’s, drink ticket included with entry. actual drink, not a piddly glass of ‘champagne’. Live artists, burlesque, fire spinners, and some food trucks will be there. Always a good time.


spaceforcefighter t1_j2dofei wrote

Plans with friends fell through, so better half and I will cook some food and maybe watch a movie. Sadly she hates football so I will probably miss the night game ☹️. Still, should be quiet but nice.


Rs90 t1_j2dos23 wrote

There's a small plane flying over Byrd Park and I have no idea how they're managing the fog lol unless they're above it.


WontArnett t1_j2ds2bu wrote

Today is another holiday where I have to huddle in the chair with my dog who is deathly afraid of fireworks, and try to comfort her while she has a massive anxiety attack until 2am.

Ugh, I loathe fireworks.


MissLauraCroft t1_j2dswoj wrote

We’re visiting family in Mexico. Today I’m going shopping at an outdoor mall with some friends in the area, and tonight we’re going to an aunt’s house for a midnight dinner of steaks or something. Maybe some piñatas for the kids.


AidCookKnow t1_j2dsxxy wrote

Anybody seen NYE accessories, like 2023 glasses or whatever, preferably kid-sized recently? Struck out at target and a couple dollar stores.


Stitchmond t1_j2dsye6 wrote

Homie, the phrase "ultimate heights" means the "last heights," as in the tallest, not necessarily the best or greatest. Your use only reinforces my argument.

I know meanings of words change, but it's through misuse. The dumbest people are driving the car of English language.


GrayRVA t1_j2dsyjm wrote

There’s a downside to fully enjoying on a road trip with your family and not being on your phone: I didn’t notice my purse, with said phone, was missing until arriving in Roanoke. Thankfully, some amazing person found my abandoned purse at Sheetz and turned it into the store. 4 extra hours of driving later, I finally got to Roanoke again

u/Orthtopteran - That bear episode was less Goldilocks and more thoracic stomping and chewing. Naturally there’s a Reddit post full of people claiming they’d totally fight a grizzly bear.


RileyDL t1_j2du9b9 wrote

I have no major plans, but one of my dear friends was induced at midnight, so here's hoping for a 2022 baby!


iinaytanii t1_j2duw50 wrote

Went to the gym this morning for the last time for a week or two. Taking a break and avoiding the resolution crowds.


Arcangelathanos t1_j2dvcl5 wrote

While I was overseas, my cousin and I had someone show us how to make a specific type of flat bread. She's supposed to come over today to pickup some of her stuff that was in my luggage and, in theory, have a refresh our memory flat bread making session. I told my husband that he's not allowed to watch us make it bc he would be horrified at the amount of oil that is needed.

Nothing else planned though. He's on call and I'm indifferent toward this holiday.


DustySleeve t1_j2dwfnj wrote

The english vehicle is a collection of teutonic plates and anglican machinery assembled with latin duct tape and propelled by farts and prayers. Its neither beautiful in itself nor deserving of adoration to the point of gatekeeping. What is it with redditors on this sub thinking theyre smarter than everyone else? Do only the least secure people live here?

The best users of english in my life barely spoke it, but were able to simplify enough for us to cooperate, get to work, and joke around. More to the point i didnt reinforce your point, i suggested a context that contradicts it and you said nah uh not always in more words. Literally just read more than one listed definition in a dictionary since im sure authority appeals to you. Er, reverse that? One of the bigger collegiate authoritative dictionaries lists alternate definitions by found usage amount, not definition supremacy, and if theyre fine with that so am i


Stitchmond t1_j2dy9xq wrote

You're the one who responded to me in order to prove me wrong, so seems to me we're both displaying a degree of insecurity. I'm just messing around on a stupid social media thing, don't take what I say so seriously. We're just having a chat, not deciding the fate of human communication.


ratchmond t1_j2e04zy wrote

Yes. It’s an 8 hour event with tons of performers, DJs, art pieces, etc. It was voted one of the top NYE events in the country by Ticketmaster. Pricey but worth it imo. Although I’m biased because I’ll be performing there tonight! :)


ratchmond t1_j2e0tfa wrote

I’m performing at Decemberween tonight at Diversity! Event is 8 pm - 4 am. Tickets are pricey BUT it’s an 8 hour event, with drink included, and access to tons of art/performances/multiple DJs/etc. It’s going to be super fun!


Stitchmond t1_j2e2082 wrote

Dude give up. I know how others use the word ultimate, let me express my distaste for certain uses and you just feel confident in your knowledge that you and everybody else is right. You don't have to argue with me.


100835 t1_j2e2uz7 wrote

Going to Costco, soon I hope. Teenage daughter asked to come and now it's taking her forever to get ready. You would think she's going to Paris fashion week or something. Grrrr..


Herculicia t1_j2eaxhe wrote

For what it's worth I tested negative for six days after exposure, even with symptoms starting day 3. Then bam, positive. I think the jury is still out on whether you're contagious or not during this period. 🤷‍♀️


richmondriverrat t1_j2ecb3t wrote

I had a very interesting conversation on Reddit last night. A random user messaged me and wanted me to come out to Penny Lane pub for shots with him. I was super confused by it, but non the less I was flattered


stickynohte t1_j2ecutp wrote

Barely got any sleep last night, tossed and turned for hours. Still have no concrete plans tonight but I’m also not opposed to staying in and reading. Off to the gym soon, then attempting to get a small haul of groceries as I’m extremely low on funds.


urineabox t1_j2eeha1 wrote

prof pet sitter here, have you ever tried a white noise machine and play nature-ish sounds? i will do that while I run the dishwasher, laundry, tv, music, etc to make some noises that lessen the blow for a couple scared doggo clients we have. it’s also learned as a more ‘reactive’ behavior when they are younger so when we, humans, ooh and ahh to anticipate and acknowledge their fear, it continues and then it can be lifelong, sadly.

i’ve learned that letting them come to you for comfort instead of anticipating does help a bit while distracting as best you can so that it’s more background noise can help ease them. there’s also some calming chews vets prescribe that help if given 30 mins before that can lessen their anxiety.

the eye contact and fear they feel is so heartbreaking and some truly need those snuggles. it’s so nice to be needed, used and abused for that purpose though, isn’t it?🐾


WontArnett t1_j2eiaaa wrote

Yeah— she’s eight years old, so we’ve developed lots of different techniques to comfort her a bit.

She was fine with fireworks until one year we were outside and someone lit off a mortar right over where she was peeing. It’s destroyed her ever since then.


brat84 t1_j2elrf7 wrote

I was about to say, WHO IS WATCHING GOOSE!? But that’s my cutie. We will be having some Christmas morning! We got a pancake variety to try too. Maybe some board games. Where should I grab dinner at 730p yall!?


fluufhead t1_j2ep96u wrote

Just cleaned out the fridge, that felt really good. Even took the shelves outside to clean them with a brush and garden hose.


BurkeyTurger t1_j2es04v wrote

Trying to get some work done this afternoon but so far my head is not in the game so I'll probably end up finishing things tomorrow.

Other than that just making a small grocery run and solo chilling this evening.

I think I read on here somewhere that sauerkraut and pork is a new year's thing for some people so I'm gonna have that tonight for something different to eat with pulled pork (I smoked a 9lb butt yesterday and already did the standard southern sides).


WontArnett t1_j2ev3dy wrote

Yeah, it wasn’t fun.

Getting another dog that barks at the fireworks for her has helped a lot. But she goes into uncontrollable panic attacks no matter what. Some years are better than others.

I’ll be happy when drone shows replace fireworks.


margiemat t1_j2f9bw5 wrote

Going to see Infamous Stringdusters and circles around the sun at the national! A couple bailed due to a broken ankle, so I’ve got 2 tickets for face value if anyone is interested!


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j2f9fl1 wrote

I purchased so many used ones from the Book Depository that are stacked up. Ones that have been made into shows (Station Eleven, severance) or movies (white noise, women talking, the wonder) and even the manga for Alice in Borderland. Need to read all those!


gleepgloopgleepgloop t1_j2fgoqf wrote

Me too. It's just me and the two kids, so it'll be pretty quiet yet not easy to decide on a movie to watch together. Hoping to convince them to play a board game though that tends to be tough as well. I may pull out the old Atari 2600 to spark some enthusiasm.


skinnylynnie80 t1_j2fhgh5 wrote

In the mountains for the weekend, went for a hike, made a fire, listening to music, We get up and dance to a few songs, then relax, and on and on and on. Started at 3pm, may not make it to midnight, but Significant Other and I are having fun.


FlexRVA21984 t1_j2fixfc wrote

I used to really love New Year’s Eve and hope for a better year. But after spending virtually every one of them alone for my entire life (I’m 42), NYE is just depressing for me these days. 🤷‍♂️


SammysGotAGun t1_j2fqbmr wrote

Hi RVA. It’s been a minute since I’ve been back. Was feeling depressed today and decided to drive 5 hours to eat at Foo Dog before they close for good. Any kind redditors wanna let me and my partner crash on a couch for the night?


BlueXTC t1_j2fr3wm wrote

Going to watch BBC World News for New Years back home for mum. Drink a little eat a little and then bed.