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NorthsideRay t1_j2ejlht wrote

Being a terrible Council person is the perfect training to be a terrible Delegate.


lycosid t1_j2ek1ca wrote

Sounds like a good opportunity to promote her to a position of less responsibility.


vicsfoolsparadise t1_j2ekfzp wrote

She posted this on her IG account. Really hope this doesn't gain traction.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j2f86cm wrote

She is also the one who wants to use zoning to restrict convenience stores because a few of them have a crime problem. She is a big 'no' for me.


Sailinger t1_j2f8stc wrote

Hey, maybe school board member Gibson can vacate her seat and run against Lambert, making sure that either way we'll be rid of at least one bad local official.


Beautiful-Flower4846 t1_j2fem7j wrote

She's also keeping her official Twitter feed private because she didn't like it when people pushed back on her proclamations. Not suited for higher office.


dr_nerdface t1_j2fleos wrote

she's a terrible city councilperson who also happens to be our councilperson. absolutely not.