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J-Colio t1_j2bh2of wrote

I would recommend this poop bag holder to anyone with a normal strap style leash. It might fit on a cord/rope style too, but it depends on the thickness of the rope.

Key benefits are:

  • There's 3 contact points, so it stays put near the handle of the leash.

  • It provides good leverage to tear the bags at the perforation on the roll. You won't accidentally tear a bag and get poo on your finger.

  • It's fabric as opposed to hard plastic, so after a while you learn what the thickness literally feels like when you get down to the last bag or two in a roll. When you know the rolls getting low, you can stash a replacement roll in your pocket. We've all been on three-poop walks with two bags left on the roll...

  • You can fold up and stash a public bag or two if you screw up replacing the roll on time.

  • It has a carrying hook at the bottom so you can knot-up, clip onto, and carry the used bags there until you find a waste bin.

  • At $12 it's pretty easily replaceable if/when the zipper breaks. I had a zipper go after over two years with a puppy who could shit up to 6 times a day frequently (turns out he has IBD). Now that his IBD is under control he's pooping 2-3 times a day, so the zipper isn't going to need nearly as much use.