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Herculicia t1_j26606w wrote

Sat / New Year's Eve Masque @ Fallout / 8p - 2a / $10 - $20


Join us in all your gothic finery as we ring in another New Year together! Get 2023 off on the right foot - dancing the night away w/us on one of Richmond’s favorite dancefloors!

📷 D E T A I L S: 📷

WHEN: Saturday December 31, 2022

TIME: 8:00PM - 2:00AM

COST: $10.00 for Members / $20.00 Non-Members


DRESS: Semi-Formal to Formal or Fetish Wear is Required to Enter

18 + Entry No Membership Required (Member Tickets are Prioritized)

📷 E N T E R T A I N M E N T * & * A T T R A C T I O N S: 📷

📷: DJ Scareypete & DJ Jackie playing Goth, Industrial, New Wave, EBM, Indie, Electro all night!

📷Cage Dancers

📷Gift Bag w/each ticket purchase including mask & special NYE piece of Fallout merchandise and several other goodies! (First 200 Tickets Only)

📷Professional Photo Booth from Buck Remington

�📷Special Separate Cash Only Bar for quick service of beer, shots & champagne (the normal bar will also be open for full service, and accepts credit cards for purchases)

📷Celebratory Midnight Toast!

📷Snack Buffet (While Supplies Last!)

📷 D E S I G N A T E D * D R I V E R S 📷

We have a special JUST for you for keeping everyone safe! In the ticketing options there is a DD special. You must arrive sober and declare that you will be staying sober the entire night to receive this offer $10 for all you can drink Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Cider, Soda Waters, Pellegrino, Canned Soda & Bottled Water. All beverages served at the special cash only bar so you don’t have to wait in line at the bar! Buy in advance, and only worry about bringing tip money for your bartender! **Please Note: This is In Addition to your Ticket to the event