Submitted by xTiredSoulx t3_zvnqqq in rva
What’s going on today in y’all’s lives?
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Submitted by xTiredSoulx t3_zvnqqq in rva
What’s going on today in y’all’s lives?
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Today is a no plans day. Not going to do anything if I can help it. Just coffee and couch followed by wine and couch. Might take a walk if it gets up to 30. Ignoring all responsibilities and the piles of gift bags and wrapping paper in the living room. Ignoring the stack of pots that need washing. I’ll see if my family decides to wash them but probably not. Not helping the economy by shopping. my 1959 house has stayed at 67 with the heat pump blowing nonstop so I cant complain until I get the dominion bill. Unambitious Monday.
It's my birthday!🥳🎉
Same here! Happy shared birthday.
Happy birthday!
And you as well! I hope your presents are spaced out with as much thought as possible! It annoyed me as a kid but now I'm in my 40s, it doesn't matter
Happy Birthday!
And also my birthday! It's a celebration trifecta!
Happy Birthday!
Happy new year!
Happy Birthday!
Paying January rent early since I’ll be going to Nashville to see widespread panic on new years and then immediately going to Florida to see the grandparents for a late Christmas and won’t be back until the 9th. This last weekend was something that I was very panicked about, but now that it’s over I am very glad and relieved.
Now to relish in the fact that I bought my 4 year nephew a “no” soundboard button that has like 10 different “no”s on it and my brother and his lil family will have to drive all the way back to Iowa with it. A gift that shall keep on giving >:)
That is hilarious where did you get the "no"soundboard?
Also, 🤘🤘🤘WSMFP 🤘🤘🤘
Lol I got it off Amazon for less than $10. Best purchase ever! Just looked up a “no” button :)
Stealing that idea for sure. Look up Yellies for next year!
Joffreg The NO Sound Button
Either I remembered the price wrong or it was on sale when I got it but here it is lol. Also maybe soundboard was the wrong word, I’m not the most savvy with the jargon 🤓
damn, what'd your brother do to deserve that?
Just some good ol sibling rivalry ;) plus when I asked my nephew what he wanted for Christmas he said “no!” So just to clarify I said “you want no for Christmas?” And to that he said “yes!”
A bit of malicious compliance.
I was the first person to clock into work this morning. Apparently we’re closed today, but hey. I’m awake and showered!
Surprise day off!
I’m homesick today. My 2 little kids and I are in the middle of a 3-week holiday trip so they can see their dad. We’re staying the whole time at my ex-in-laws’ house. I’m fortunate we all get along so well and they’re very hospitable, but I hate staying in other people’s houses and I miss my apartment, my plants, my boyfriend, my bed, my schedule, my car, my privacy, etc etc. It’s been a nice Christmas, but I’m dying to get home to Richmond.
Very nice and selfless thing to do for your kids.
It's only 9? My father in law has already made me take 3 tequilas!
Back in the office, and not excited about it. My 2-day holiday vacation was literally just a very busy weekend. I hope everyone who has this week off enjoys themselves and their downtime or time with their families.
Waking up in a hotel because we had a pipe burst and the quickest we can get a plumber in is Tuesday at 8 am.
I did bring containers to fill with water to bring home today.
That sucks. Although, with the amount of burst pipes, all things considered, Tuesday morning isn’t that bad. Our house is on a slab. I really fear burst pipes.
Right! I thought Tuesday was really good. When we thanked the guy for the appointment he seemed surprised. I can only imagine the mean comments he was getting because no one could come out on Christmas.
> Our house is on a slab.
My first house was that way and I had the same issues with the "what if" a pipe bust under the slab.
House I've been in now for 20 years I designed. All brick exterior, lots of insulation, and on a 4 foot fully lit, closed (no vents) and heated and air conditioned crawl space fully sealed. Crawl still looks new under there, and A/C equipment that has had to come out and be changed one time had the installers saying the 16 year old one looked like it just came out of the box. No dust or bug problems.
Then again, I even put hurricane tie-downs on the roofing. So I was out to stop crap from happening.
This happened to a friend of mine as well. Sorry for the problems!
It could be worse! We were supposed to be in PA but the husband tested positive for Covid. We could’ve had an entire day of free flowing water.
Ooof. My friend lost all upstairs flooring and downstairs ceilings.
Savoring my day off. Doing normal 'sunday' stuff in our house -- groceries and generally getting caught up for the week. Avoiding the protestant urge to fill my whole day with work. And enjoying as much cross stitching as my repetitive-injured wrist will tolerate.
I love to needlepoint but my wrist…not so much. Sadness.
I am never spending Christmas alone again. This has been boring and depressing, and for what. I did not need more alone time.
Any brunch spots open today? I'm going to bundle up and get out.
I hope you ended up going out! I would try sitting at the bar in perlys. Everyone’s always so friendly and I’ve struck up plenty of conversations there!
Perly's is closed today but I think I'll just walk the dogs and eat at home.
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Stalling... need to put on some gross clothes and start work on my frozen pipe situation in the crawl space. Yuck. Hope everyone has a wonderful day !
Thinking today might be the day to walk all over creation while the decorations are still up and the weather is nice.
Traveling home to RVA from spending Christmas in MD. Traffic on 95 South is fairly light EXCEPT around Occoquan. Why does traffic always seem to materialize and then magically disappear on this stretch of the highway?
The number of lanes drops by 2, plus the on-ramp traffic, plus something about the bridge making everything slow down.
What part of MD? Because you could also pass through the Northern Neck of VA to get to RVA. I've done this plenty of times when I don't want to deal with NOVA traffic.
Coming from Maryland you should always take 301 and skip 95 until you get to kings dominion. I’ve had that cut my trip in half before
We used to take 301 when our daughter was little and we needed lots of easy options for potty breaks and food.
I always refer to that as the Occoquan Kink. It happens both ways, too. It's like the presence of water combined with a decent curve on an interstate is a guaranteed slowdown.
Fredericksburg is the other slow down that never seems to fail.
We have a friend stopping by for a few hours on his way back home. He wants to stop at some breweries, but it looks like the places he really wants to try are closed. Sadness.
Triple Crossing is open
Garden Grove on Cary St is my personal favorite. Open 4-10 today
Thanks! I'll tell the husband that we have one more option.
+1 for Garden Grove! Nice place for a quiet hang.
I will always upvote Garden Grove. Great bunch of people there, and always fun stuff to try.
Tell him to come along and buy me a birthday beer
I found out this morning that I have covid. Antigen test was negative but PCR was positive. It sucks.
It's too hot under my comforter and far too cold without it. And one of my ears is plugged up.
When we left Saturday morning the water was frozen in our bathroom. Left the hot water dripping and came back last night and it was fine…and now our kitchen sink is frozen 😩 don’t think anything burst so hopefully the sun will melt everything today
Came home to a burst pipe yesterday evening, left the kitchen sink dripping but the dishwasher connection was the one that blew
Got the day off but I'm dealing with a toothache. I think I'm going to do some retail therapy (online, I can't stand crowds, plus it's colder than shit) to get my mind off of it.
Oil of cloves can help with a toothache. Just swab some on the gum with a q tip. (Make sure you’re not allergic to cloves first.). My grandfather was a dentist in the time before lidocaine and this is what he recommended.
Hey thanks!
Toothache are some of the worst kind of pain. Just constant. I’m m awaiting gum surgery in March. No pain, but I have to brush and floss after I eat anything or my breath is rancid. I hope you feel better soon!
It must be an epidemic. I’ve been meaning to find a new dentist since the previous one is a little far from us and we haven’t been there since the pandemic started. I haven’t actually done the adult thing and called though. Of course I lost a crown at Christmas dinner. Of course all the dentists in my area are closed today. I’m not sure how long it’ll take to get in even after the offices open. <sigh>
I'm getting a head start on my mom's birthday (2nd to last week of Jan). I wanted her to send the night at the Jefferson lol (I'm a a dreamer) but I think I'll surprise her with a redo of the patio for her gardening needs.
I bet she'll appreciate the patio redo even more. That's a very thoughtful gift, and one that keeps giving!
Had the intention to leave early & drive back this morning but I guess I really needed some sleep. Packing up and leaving soon. Nervous about water pipes and my kitty cat.
Sidenote this is how I feel after 3 days of pies, eggnog etc
I'm at work because no one told me I had today off. on the plus side I'm now getting a 4 day weekend so I didn't drive here for nothing.
Pints and Palace at the Pub!
Trying to get my hot water fixed so I can shower and clean the dishes. Landlord's office is closed today so spent nearly an hour on hold with the answering service this morning for emergent repairs. I just want to be clean
Nursing my knee and couch-binging some TV...getting up to date on Yellowstone. Want to try to walk a bit so my knee isn't so stiff
absolutely zero plans today and i’m very excited
Haggle on price and then refinance later through whatever bank you want. They’ll move on price to get you under their financing. Your credit won’t take a hit the second time if you do it soon enough.
Best of luck!
I’m going to get brave and install a sisal runner on my stairs.
Husband and I are both off today, so it's a lazy Monday with a Yellowstone marathon until I go see dad at MRMC later this evening. Back to work tomorrow for a short week, then off again next Monday.
Still absolutely floored at the gifts I got for Christmas - husband got us tickets to go to a Caps game (I've never been!) And his parents got us tickets to go see Hamilton when it comes back through in April!
Being totally lazy enjoying an extra day off work! Hanging with my cats and catching up on some shows.
Made crepes, bacon, and eggs for breakfast. Finishing out my Hobbit/ LOTR marathon. Happy holidays y'all!
Using the day off to break down my 5 gal aquarium and set it back up. My methuselah pet shrimp finally died, he was my holdout while several types of algae slowly took over the tank. Excited to start from scratch
Gonna help my dad put up a rack in his garage, then catching a flight back to RVA from the Midwest @ 5am tomorrow 😭
I got up early, went to the dr, and then took a three hour nap. I've been sick over the last four days, the dr said it's "just" my eustachian tubes. Doesn't necessarilly explain why I feel like death warmed over, but it does explain the vertigo. At least it's not covid like last Christmas. I am going to go see some family tonight, hoping it will be chill and then I can spend tomorrow doing some more napping and reading. I have a giant to do list but I really want to just relax this week as much as I can. January is going to be 100 mph at work and I already am dreading going back.
Just got back to Richmond after driving for 8 hours (was supposed to be under 4.5 hours). I’m drained and happy to be home and done with family time for a bit. Gonna make dinner, grab my book, and curl up with my cat.
Nothing much. Got haircut today!!! Been celebrating Christmas with my family and getting ready for New Years!!!
Reclaiming my office/hobby space and installing a second color printer. One for documents and one for photos. Weird actually seeing the desktop after clearing out all the post it notes etc., Made turkey for dinner last night so leftovers today for lunch. Th migraine I had finally passed as the storms finally left the area. Now my noggin feels like someone played football with it.
Is there a baby hippo cam yet?
I am at work and I am actually scheduled to be here -_-
I was hyping up 23rd and Main’s truffle fries to my gf, only to find out they shut down in Nov 😭 they’ve been on my mind for the past week
jodyhighrola t1_j1q2y1u wrote
Ahhh the awkward week between the holidays. My favorite time to commit time theft!