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lunar_unit t1_izesk5e wrote

That's not a very well thought out statement.

You're a minority every time the other party that you don't support wins enough Congress seats and has a sitting president. That's how our system has worked for over 200 years, and while it's far from perfect, it's worked fairly well over time.

You having never lived under a true monarchy, means you can't actually compare what that means, but if you take a look at monarchies like Saudi Arabia or Brunei or historical European monarchies, if you disagree politically, they can disappear you or take all your assets without any lawful due process protections at all.


Tylerjb4 t1_izezftl wrote

So the US has never disappeared someone without due process?


lunar_unit t1_izf11tx wrote

Of course they have, but that doesn't mean a monarchy is better. Lol. Go read some history, then get back to me.


Tylerjb4 t1_izf5u3m wrote

Hitler rose to power democratically.

Pol pot was elected.

American democrats fought to keep black people enslaved, and then with as few rights as possible.

An elected American democrat president put Japanese in internment camps.

An elected American democrat president marched Indians from their lands to Oklahoma.

Tyranny of the majority is still tyranny.


lunar_unit t1_izf9ml7 wrote

Dude, what's your point? Humans fucking suck everywhere, in every time in history. And you still have more rights in an American democracy than in a monarchy. Go ask Jamal Kashoggi how he feels after Mohamed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi ordered his killing and dismemberment (on foreign soil, no less) and got away with it even though everyone knows he did it.

If you're trying to suggest that life would be better if we had Trump as King, (I see you don't mention any Republican political shenanigans in your examples) then you drank too much Kool aid, because he doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself.

Back to your original statement, if you've lived your entire life in the US, you've lived under both Democrats and Republicans. Can you say your life is better under one, compared to the other? And being that you have lived under that kind of situation, what are you still doing here?


Tylerjb4 t1_izfedur wrote

You’re comparing possibly the best democracy against one of the worst monarchies. In a more comparable matchup, I would much rather live in modern Saudi Arabia than third reich Germany.

I would definitely take king trump because he can be held solely responsible. If he does something terrible, we yeet and replace him. At least a monarchy has long term generational investment in the success of their country. Our government is too busy trying to pass laws just to spite the other half.

Fuck the republicans, too. But the 3 biggest American fuck ups I could think of were Democrat orchestrated. You got anything the republicans did worse than those 3?

Personally, I’m more of a libertarian, minarchist, ancap. All governments suck ass. Their sole function should be common defense, enforcing contracts, and protecting natural rights.


lunar_unit t1_izfkz5j wrote

And royalty has been the force behind millennia of greed, corruption, colonialism, invasions, pogroms, ethnic cleansings, slavery, torture, land theft, unfair taxation, murderous crushers of dissent, etc etc, all over the globe.

>All governments suck ass. Their sole function should be common defense, enforcing contracts, and protecting natural rights.

Maybe we can agree there, but in a human world, there's always going to be corruption, and the most corruptible are most drawn to power, regardless of their political affiliation. We're fucked!

Anyway, have a good weekend.