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lame_gaming t1_j0xcmc9 wrote

booking rides like a taxi? really? jesus christ grtc is trying to spend the absolute least amount of money to say “look we implemented transit”


BugggJuice t1_j0xk3k6 wrote

first they need to work on not ignoring people at the stops they're waiting at


opienandm t1_j0xkppw wrote

It’s a test/proof of concept that isn’t funded for the long term.

Why would GRTC commit to higher costs for something like this? There is plenty of local data that shows bus routes to far suburbs are money losers.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j0ymtln wrote

The narrative that transit is only for poor or working people bothers me. We should strive to make transit good enough that people ride it by choice, not merely by necessity. I want it to be so good that people consider it more convenient than driving their private vehicles.

A side benefit of by-choice ridership is that, historically speaking, wealthier riders have been more successful lobbying for service improvements.


weasol12 t1_j0z7msa wrote

Saw something like this from City Beautiful a while back. Pretty neat system. At least they're trying something to boost transit adoption.