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thegodofhellfire666 OP t1_j2ccefv wrote


BugggJuice t1_j2cfvhi wrote

might want to have your friend do a check either way.


thegodofhellfire666 OP t1_j2ciyvt wrote

I’m the only one out of everyone that’s having thsi happen to them lol which is weird but I have visible bites and get itchy whenever I go


dreww4546 t1_j2daiur wrote

Some people have flea/bedbug allergies and some dont. That doesn't mean the others aren't being bit. It means your bites show and theirs doesn't


guiltyofnothing t1_j2ddrgt wrote

Yep. Dated a girl who found out she had bedbugs because I started having reactions when I spent the night. She was immune and had no idea she had a problem.


thegodofhellfire666 OP t1_j2f6qgt wrote

I’m starting to think it was just my allergies making and the bites were isolated from somewhere else, I dunno I have some pretty serious allergies so I can see that it would be the cause of my itchiness


BugggJuice t1_j2f7m5z wrote

it's possible, but all i'm saying is you might wanna check. bed bugs have been making the rounds again i richmond