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Weekly-Eggs t1_j2dlqik wrote

I rented from there for 2 years (2018-2019) and it was awful.

I also experienced “broken” thermostats and 80-90 degree living conditions. They didn’t do shit about anything I reported.

When they started incorporating the trash pickup service Trash Fairies, I tried to opt out because they were charging an extra $30/month and I could take out my own trash- but I wasn’t able to. I can see how that service could be helpful for some people, but half the time the TF staff would either just not pick up the trash, or throw the trash cans all over the hallway.

When I tried to move out early, they said I had to pay for the rest of my lease so I ended up sticking out til the end- then they charged me $700 for roach treatment when it was infested when I moved in. They claimed that I should’ve been reporting it all the time but after a while of “treatments” (this infestation was so bad that roaches were coming out of the outlets) I gave up.

I would never recommend the Towers on Franklin to anyone.