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Nothing2SeeHere4U t1_ize5490 wrote

Took my dog out for his morning walk and forgot my keys. Locked out of my apartment until the apartment offices open at nine 🤦‍♀️

Tried to get coffee using digital payment on my phone but my card wouldn't work. Thank you to the barista who comped my drink, it's the only thing I've got going for me this morning 😩


Vajama77 t1_izet77q wrote

I still can feel that terrifying horribleness when you realize you've locked yourself out. I've done it several times at home and with my car and it sucks - my sympathies.


[deleted] t1_izi1z7w wrote

You think thats bad I was locked out 2 hrs one day before my dumb ass realized my keys were in my pants pocket. I went in and had to warm up in a bath.