Submitted by sleepykiki t3_zvlg26 in rva
got_that_itis t1_j1prrws wrote
Is the UPS box ok?
librab103 t1_j1psmmt wrote
Hopefully cameras caught who did it
Bench-Savings t1_j1psnnk wrote
Lol why?
skeevy-stevie t1_j1pt8gm wrote
Looks fine.
melexander16 t1_j1ptgt5 wrote
Somebody accidentally sent the sex tape…
rjtfdx t1_j1ptxli wrote
Since that’s actually my problem if the FEDEX box was stolen, are we talking about a damaged UPS box and stolen FedEx box or are we calling this UPS box a FedEx box?
Visual-Sheepherder36 t1_j1pu7vl wrote
Drug money.
Danimal9590 t1_j1puikz wrote
“To shreds you say…?”
smarshall561 t1_j1pujky wrote
They usually put them next to each other but you probably know that my poor in denial fellow human.
Doctor_Hero73 t1_j1pvdxi wrote
Nah, the driver was just in a rush
nite_rituals t1_j1pvnx7 wrote
It’s been like that for over a week now
rjtfdx t1_j1pvrd2 wrote
Often but not always. I’m thinking this was the Wachovia bank dropbox. And that’s a UPS only problem. Now I’m just curious: A) Hit by a car B)Thieves thought that’s where the bank kept money deposits C) Someone deposited a critical item without reading closure dates D) Mayhem without reason.
ricostrongofVa t1_j1pwai5 wrote
10698 t1_j1pxtj6 wrote
There is no FedEx drop box at that location, only a UPS box, confirmed by the FedEx Drop Box locator and Google Street View.
10698 t1_j1pxx9m wrote
There's no FedEx box at that location. Only UPS. Nearest FedEx drop box is on Ellwood Ave somewhere.
SquirrelBurritos t1_j1pyx1h wrote
That was like that at lunchtime on Friday when I walked by. It looked like a car hopped the curb and smacked it. If I remember correctly there was a sign pole knocked down or bent too
Dramatic_Barracuda55 t1_j1q1r90 wrote
That is so Richmond
AlphaStrike89 t1_j1q5c5p wrote
It was a car accident.
[deleted] t1_j1q8ndi wrote
deep_inZ_eyed_me t1_j1qc53r wrote
I'm pretty sure that's a federal offense.... Isn't it???
Rec4LMS t1_j1qg3mv wrote
And his wife?
Canard427 t1_j1qirim wrote
To shreds you say....
Stitchmond t1_j1qk54h wrote
Glad to see the sdn box is fine.
momthom427 t1_j1qlhwr wrote
Tis but a scratch.
ShuRugal t1_j1qs9cr wrote
TBF to the UPS driver, i also didn't see the box until he hit it. Looks like it nicely color matches the driveway. From his angle, it probably blended right in.
[deleted] t1_j1qtqt6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1qtquf wrote
ccbmtg t1_j1qva4a wrote
it is with usps because usps is a federal organization. I'm not quite sure how the regulations apply to private couriers, but I do know that they can generally open your mail if they feel inclined or suspicious, whereas usps cannot open your mail without legitimate probable cause or a warrant.
AutoModerator t1_j1qva5l wrote
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librab103 t1_j1qwdax wrote
AutoModerator t1_j1qwddu wrote
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librab103 t1_j1qxf83 wrote
Remove the ability to give thumbs down to comments and that will fix the problem of allowing individuals with different views from having comments they do not like be hidden.
[deleted] t1_j1qxf8y wrote
TheMajesticKnight t1_j1r0my6 wrote
My first thought lol
AutoModerator t1_j1r0mze wrote
Welcome to RVA! This fast-growing community values positive, helpful contributions, in between occasional civil discourse. Because your account's karma (reputation in Reddit terms) is so low, our automoderator has temporarily hidden your post until our human moderators have reviewed it first. In the meantime, please read our wiki on the subreddit's rules and how your account can gain positive karma. Then, if you believe this automatic action is in error, please contact the moderators.
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sleepykiki OP t1_j1r1l6v wrote
You are right, I can't read lmao
ccbmtg t1_j1r2flx wrote
900 post karma and 52,000 comment karma is too low? o.o
i lived in rva for a decade and regularly visit. it's true I made this specific account after I moved but I'm still finding that rather surprising lol.
[deleted] t1_j1r2fn4 wrote
fusion260 t1_j1r3s1w wrote
Yes, as in your karma in this subreddit specifically is too low and was filtered for us mods to see it. I've approved both of your comments.
rva-ModTeam t1_j1r43xf wrote
Your post has been identified as trolling/harassment and is generally not funny or helpful. Please try harder and be better next time.
fusion260 t1_j1r4v3c wrote
No, we're not going to remove the ability to vote on a post or comment. Automoderator simply flagged your comment for further review by the mod team, both of which I've approved now, because you've had little-to-no activity in this sub before.
ccbmtg t1_j1r7dlf wrote
thanks! yeah I haven't posted here on this account since I had moved but since I've been traveling again and visiting often, figured I'd resub. always miss Richmond.
TheDizDude t1_j1rbgxf wrote
It’s been taken out of the environment
RambleOnRanger t1_j1re7na wrote
By you.
Mr_Kittlesworth t1_j1shomb wrote
Well, that’s impressive. Still shitty, but impressive.
ghostlunchbox t1_j1sv0wc wrote
The UPS box across from Sauers was damaged/knocked down too
Blasthardcheeez t1_j1pr71l wrote
And the pizza!! Not the pizza!!!