Submitted by CrassostreaVirginica t3_zp2zda in rva
groundcontrol3 t1_j0qc6ng wrote
He sounds like a terrible candidate but at least it doesn't matter because whoever the GOP puts up has 0 chance of winning.
Charlesinrichmond t1_j0qvj0k wrote
unless the democrats nominate morrissey. But probably even then
Cerebral-Knievel-1 t1_j0rxh5b wrote
That's actually a threat because anyone can vote in a primary reguardless of party.. Morrissey is only in the position he is because he beat the incumbent in the primary, and the republicans didn't even field a candidate in his race. Once got the primary, he won his election unopposed.
That he won the primary is very less because democrats wanted him.. because Republicans could have just as easily upvoted a down candidate to weaken an office and position they knew they had a low chance of winning.
__looking_for_things t1_j0rzvin wrote
Conceding is not required for the winner to win. It's theatre to concede rather than having any legal meaning or impact on the race.
They likely used RCV because he may have been the best choice presented. They did the same for Amanda Chase to make sure she didn't win the nomination iirc.
pchnboo t1_j0sjag0 wrote
I got blocked by John Mcguire’s FB page for being outraged on his behalf regarding their Convention to nominate the 7th district Congressional candidate. I guess a Dem protesting voter suppression on your behalf is too much. The gem was that their post was about being suppressed!!
pchnboo t1_j0sjk2x wrote
So true. John Fredericks, Conservative radio talk show host, has had JM on his show and is telling Repubs to voted for Morrissey in the primary. The voters have to take/sign an oath to vote Dem and when they hear that they tend to leave. Fingers crossed that they still do. Also, VOTE JEN MCCLELLAN!
MagicPanda703 t1_j0sy80c wrote
Conceding is required for a healthy democracy. Republicans think they can call any election they lose “stolen”- which happens to be all of them, these days
__looking_for_things t1_j0t8oj5 wrote
But am I incorrect in stating that conceding is not required by law? The winner is the person who wins the most votes per the law. So the act of conceding doesn't legally impact the election. Many candidates do not actually concede, particularly in small, local elections, mostly because no one is listening.
I'm not stating anything about if the candidate should concede, I'm just saying they aren't required to.
freetimerva t1_j0u2l5z wrote
Probably correct. But when the republican party has a history of calling elections stolen without any evidence to support the claim... it's suddenly become an important distinction between those who value democracy and those who want to dismantle it.
CrassostreaVirginica OP t1_j0qau2j wrote
This guy was defeated by Rep. McEachin multiple times overwhelmingly and is back for more ( He's refused to concede his previous elections despite no evidence of fraud.
Edit: I find it interesting that the GOP used Ranked-Choice Voting to select him.