Submitted by Thunderclaps_CLAPS t3_10pdnbx in rva


I'm looking for a recommendation of a tattoo artist who specializes in fine line tattoos/one needle. I have 4 tattoos from two separate artists in RVA. I have two other tattoos from an artist out in LA who specialized in fine line and I'm looking for someone to match that quality and very small/thin line work. I have 10 tattoos total, all of which are very small and simple on my arms. I'm looking to get two more but I don't want to go back to the artists I've already been to here. Nothing against them, but what I requested wasn't their usual style and I'm looking for someone who has done a ton of small thin tattoos. I've had a really hard time finding someone in or around the city who has a lot of experience with this as it's not typical for Richmond (to my knowledge). Anyone have a recommendation of someone who would be a good fit?





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jdrva t1_j6l7c6b wrote

Ash at white tulip is amazing and might be what you’re looking for!


BobbyFuckingB t1_j6k6ctg wrote

Did the artists you’ve gone to not have any recs?


Thunderclaps_CLAPS OP t1_j6nzgl6 wrote

One of them stopped answering my emails after our first appointment, the other I didn't ask at the time because I didn't have any more ideas lined up. That was last year so it's been a bit since I've spoken with her!