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[deleted] t1_j5r3dbl wrote



FEdart t1_j5vfe55 wrote

Super curious (not trying to be antagonistic), but where else have you lived?


[deleted] t1_j5vg5hn wrote



FEdart t1_j5vu394 wrote

Ah gotcha. I lived in Boston for a couple years… I think slumlords are more common in large metro areas. I infinitely prefer the housing market in RVA for sure.

That being said, TBH I agree with your point about faceless corporations. I do kind of prefer them because I lived in a large, professionally managed building in Boston and it was great. Maintenance was fast and responsive. As opposed to the local landlord owned place I moved to where my stove didn’t work for SIX WEEKS. And he sold it to some guy in Japan halfway a few weeks into our lease so getting in touch for that maintenance was a total nightmare.