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Dead_Hours t1_j5joe0j wrote

Devil's advocate here, your girlfriend being underdressed is not the venues problem. They don't owe you anything. They let people in at midnight. Yall weren't dressed properly and couldn't take the wait in the cold.


gravy_boot t1_j5jrm14 wrote

Is it really devil’s advocate if you just straight up tell someone they’re wrong?


Diet_Coke t1_j5kfizt wrote

Devil's advocate's devil's advocate here, but if they were properly dressed for a 30 minute line and not for a 5 hour line, that really is the venue's problem. It's not like these places have lockers and changing rooms for people to change from 5 layers of bundled up to fun in the club outfits. I just googled this show and it says the first act starts at 10 pm, so you'd expect doors to open between 8 PM and 9 PM, not 12 AM.


JosefDerArbeiter t1_j5jz16b wrote

Sounds like she needed to buy $85 of clothes instead. Priorities


fs2251 t1_j5ke2d7 wrote

Sounds like you need to buy $85 worth of empathy. priorities 🤓