BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j6aqirj wrote
I hate it when the corporation wins.
themadnooch t1_j6aqjj4 wrote
Dread it. Run from it. Costar arrives all the same.
ThatChildNextDoor t1_j6asc0h wrote
heraus t1_j6atizp wrote
Somebody got a pay day…(or a cease and desist lmao)
panopticon31 t1_j6ayveu wrote
Or both.
[deleted] t1_j6b4le1 wrote
tRillVA t1_j6b74x3 wrote
I had a Costar recruiter reach out to me on LinkedIn and I said no thanks. They asked me what was keeping me at my current company, and I mentioned how Costar had a reputation for poor company culture and high rate of employee turnover. I never heard back.
CBassTian t1_j6ba9ih wrote
CoStar is just doing what they always do, takeover a platform and spoil it. Nothing to see here!
RVAWTFBBQ t1_j6bge02 wrote
>Somebody got a pay day…(or a cease and desist lmao)
The company sued for $1 plus legal costs... which were about $400k. I haven't read what actually happened in the court, but he definitely had to shut the page down and may be really hurting financially because of this. That company is a nightmare, but it is a fact that the existence of the meme page got all current employees pretty big raises and helped steer otherwise potential employees away from that hell hole, so it wasn't all in vain.
[deleted] t1_j6bhb4w wrote
sleevieb t1_j6c0w54 wrote
Iirc he was posting about going into forced arbitrage.
sleevieb t1_j6c11io wrote
Holy shit it’s not zombie it’s a bunch of boilerplate pr slides and ads about their NASDAQ rating lol what a bunch of psychos
[deleted] t1_j6d3mnm wrote
[deleted] t1_j6dhiab wrote
foxcat505 t1_j6e1ty4 wrote
I just said no thanks but I’m glad you addressed it directly ! Their company culture is notoriously toxic.
[deleted] t1_j6f0d5w wrote
choicebutts t1_j6h4ly3 wrote
I had to do some searching to catch up on what this is.
robsterva OP t1_j6aoyq2 wrote
They've posted a few pro-company memes and turned off comments.