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Asterion7 t1_j6o3qrr wrote

There are ways to slow traffic down and reduce the flow of traffic to make things safer for pedestrians.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6o5pky wrote

I am aware. Civil engineer here, though not specifically traffic engineer. It has to be a twofold approach. Bumpouts and striping aren't enough to counteract asshole drivers. There are bumpouts and crosswalks along Main and people joked about the signage getting run over. We need cops to do their jobs too. Why even have a hands free rule for example of no one is ever ticketed for being on their phones? When that was rolled out in CT 10 years ago people were getting pulled over all the time.


Asterion7 t1_j6o73jo wrote

Oh I agree. Enforcement needs to be stepped up too.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6o7cfs wrote

And I would love for the city to implement more of those calming measures as well! Go team.


Mystical_Mojo t1_j6pfcda wrote

Was in the car with my friend when he got into a hit and run accident on Cary and Belvidere. Called the non emergency line a couple times. We waited for over 4 hours, and NO ONE showed up. When we finally met with a cop the next day he told us Richmond PD is extremely understaffed and thats probably why no one showed up when we called the day before. Then he tried to recruit us to join the force...

Point being, im not sure if more traffic enforcement from cops is even feasible in Richmond.


TGIIR t1_j6p69g8 wrote

Definitely this about people being on phones. I see it often.


lame_gaming t1_j6pdmd2 wrote

yeah, i think the "traffic calming" was half assed though. cops are a temporary solution, ideally we would actually traffic calm the street and create a proactive solution to speeding