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Remerez t1_j4vtzq9 wrote

This is what happens when top leadership gets to choose their level of accountability.


Detlionsfan1188 t1_j4w99du wrote

I’d like to know who denied the foia? Someone is hiding something. This is why we don’t trust our government local state or federal. Everyone hides everything. I will say I commend Kevin McCarthy to start unleashing the dirt on everyone. I hope he goes after Mitch McConnell too. All of these old turds. I’m really sad for the families that deal with these deaths especially if the prisoner had a rough moment in life but was loved by their family still. We need our government no matter level to release it all. I don’t trust anyone until they lay it all out about our government I don’t care if someone knows someone whose hired people to kill or stuff such as crooked deals. Releasing information to other countries. I don’t care what they have done let it all out. This world is so screwed up. When did we start to have our entire planet fall into the toilet?


GMUcovidta t1_j4wdfde wrote

>CBS 6 then submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for communication records among the board related to the Richmond Jail.
>However, McCord said the board withheld about 125 records, citing two codes that exclude public agencies from mandatory disclosure. One exemption applies to documents containing information about imprisoned people. McCord cited another exemption that allows certain public bodies, such as the Governor's Office, General Assembly, and Department of Corrections, to withhold records. CBS 6 asked which specific public body the cited exemption applies to and awaits a response.
>Among what the board's FOIA response did include were the most recent inspection and audit reports of the Richmond Jail. State inspectors gave the jail a perfect score on both.

Got to love how CBS 6 won't cite the specific codes


ludba2002 OP t1_j4wojf8 wrote

It's not common to cite the code number unless it's an analysis article. I see this same thing in articles about tax changes.

Are you thinking they failed to include the code number in order to avoid scrutiny?


ludba2002 OP t1_j4wvw5c wrote

Maybe we should err on the side of being more skeptical of government officials denying requests for information than we are of journalists asking for information about inmate deaths.


chairmanbrando t1_j4wvwn9 wrote

Looks like a pretty standard boomer Facebook rant.

> Gubmint bad! Distrust gubmint! But I'll keep voting for the party that enables gubmint to be bad! Why? Because I was instructed to vote against these stupid liberals that I'm definitely smarter than! Does voting this way help me at all? No! But liberals bad! Distrust liberals! Fake culture wars distract me and make me feel smarter than the average bear!


GMUcovidta t1_j4wwwpw wrote

I think it's totally reasonable to deny information requests that violate the privacy of specific inmates. It's no different than the CDC denying FOIA requests that would expose individuals medical information.


ludba2002 OP t1_j4x08un wrote

That presupposes the families of dead inmates don't want the information revealed. And it ignores the public's need to have information to hold government officials accountable when the jail system has repeatedly failed the most basic duty of keeping inmates alive.

If their job is holding prisoners, and prisoners die on their watch, they don't get the benefit of the doubt. They need scrutiny. And the more information they withhold, the more suspicious we should be.


GMUcovidta t1_j4x2azv wrote

You're just so off base. The public isn't entitled to anyones private information for any reason. There's no indication that anything incriminating is in the communications they requested.

Any sort of government review of the situation would let them review that information and other relevant information without violating anyones rights.

If they give away inmates information to anyone that asks, then that's a major issue.


PuckNeverlasting t1_j4xe7os wrote

"Inmates have called the Problem Solvers from inside the jail claiming that they've been attacked." -- oof.


master_sweep t1_j4xm4r3 wrote

Sooo I just got out of Richmond City jail. The dude that called from the jail had gotten stabbed twice, and after medical treatment, was put back in the same pod. He called the news and spoke about the attack. Also, one of those deaths was an overdose, a reliable source in the jail told me. They are very hush hush about everything in there. A couple months ago a deputy got chased out of the pod by inmates with shanks. Then a female deputy got attacked by a man with mental health issues. A lot is happening in there that they don’t want getting out


PuckNeverlasting t1_j4xq6m6 wrote

No doubt. They're clearly underwater in this, and unfortunately (for all involved, except some strange folks behind the curtain) It's going to get worse before it gets better. I'm sorry you were in there during a time when the sheriff and deputies have clearly lost control and good judgment.

I was briefly in there at the start of COVID and remember the ACLU organizing protests to let more people out who were just waiting for trial. I can't imagine it could have possibly gotten better since then. The comments from the auditor about the confidence in staffing from people incarcerated that they interviewed were just laughable.


master_sweep t1_j4xr1x0 wrote

Yea, it hasn’t gotten any better. They are super understaffed. And, while some of the guards are good people, there are others who have the same mindset and behaviors as the inmates, they just haven’t ever gotten in trouble. And they can’t afford to get rid of any of the shitty guards because of the staffing problem.