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xDocFearx t1_j5sbnww wrote

Were you ever a teenager or friends with ones? Deterrents work great! But we can’t act like they’ll solve all the issues. My friend’s dad had an extremely expensive gun cabinet. My friend knew exactly where the key was because he watched where his dad would go after a hunting trip. He would look at what part of their bedroom he would be in then searched it one day while they weren’t home.


[deleted] t1_j5tppa5 wrote

Using a safe and hiding the key PROPERLY is part of gun safety.

His dad was/is an irresponsible gun owner.

Just having a safe doesn’t make someone a good/safe gun owner just like only following the speed limit in a car doesn’t make someone a good/safe driver.

I can follow the speed limit and be swerving all across the highway. Do you see how a statement like “use a safe” doesn’t just mean to only use a safe and not follow other safety protocols like hiding the key?

Let me know if you have any other questions. Hope that helps.
