FlexRVA21984 t1_j5woy7c wrote
Reply to comment by jennbo in Update: Henrico boy, 16, pleads guilty to fatally shooting Lucia Bremer, 13, in inexplicable killing by Charlesinrichmond
You’re right. People aren’t born criminals. They CHOOSE to be.
Every addict has access to treatment. AA & NA cost nothing. As a recovering alcoholic that has gone more than 12yrs w/o a drink, I can attest to the fact that 12 step programs work, and I’m an atheist, so the steps can be done w/o faith in anything.
I can see you make a lot of assumptions about people you know nothing about. I am one of the biggest critics of this country you’ll ever meet. Tell me: What exactly do YOU do to change anything? Do you vote, write/call/meet w/ your representatives? Do you donate your time &/or money to organizations that work to create the world you want to see? What do all those strawmen (immigrants, asylum seekers, etc) have to do with criminals & how they’re treated?
Do you have any firsthand experience in ANYTHING you’re talking about? I do, and you can take your “You’re wrong” comment and shove it as far as humanly possibly up your ass. Okay?
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