Submitted by chasetwisters t3_126pvfl
Submitted by PuffinDaisy t3_124067q
Submitted by fannypax t3_10ocm35
Submitted by PuffyMcScrote t3_zt5ldg
Submitted by theblondepenguin t3_yscm0b
Submitted by Inume91 t3_119pekf
Submitted by Jolech t3_z1x5il
Submitted by Slow_Roller1975 t3_11pbzma
Submitted by fusion260 t3_11xfws2
Submitted by arbitrary_t t3_ygpfax
LOST DOG: My buddy found this dog in his yard across from Windsor Farms on Cary Street Rd. She has a collar, but no tags.
Submitted by simplex_machina t3_y7gjxz
I know some of you all have noticed this unit on 95 south right? (After Bryan park before Blvd exit) We can't be the only ones.
Submitted by kclay1989 t3_11f6o93
Submitted by yuzerva t3_zz3gtj
Submitted by 72002994 t3_11cka33
Submitted by trshwmn t3_10q49t6
Submitted by AlreadyShrugging t3_z8dzxh
Submitted by geekitude t3_z7y8t2
Submitted by AHippieDude t3_y98uqt
Submitted by my478thredditaccount t3_1144h01
Submitted by reignthepain t3_117rdft
Submitted by nilsrva t3_10gt3fc
Drivers are not stopping on Broad St. when the lights are flashing red. *The light was green in this instance*
Submitted by RVAarV t3_10qdein