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HelenAngel t1_j85n2ko wrote

Libido should also be part of this as well. Libido mismatch is a serious issue in a lot of relationships


bandyplaysreallife t1_j8666o2 wrote

And it's not always men with the higher libido too. Something a lot of people might not realize if they're used to the outdated ideas that men always want sex.


HelenAngel t1_j87hqwe wrote

Absolutely. I have a high libido (I’m a woman) & my abusive ex-husband used it to manipulate & torment me. No one of any gender should be punished for having a high libido.


NittyGrittyDiscutant t1_j86egy3 wrote

Why do you think it's outdated? Seems like this one is actually still a thing.


redditguy1974 t1_j874da8 wrote

Go read around r/deadbedrooms for a bit. You will find that it is absolutely not true that men always want sex. You will find many, many women (or gay men) there lamenting the fact that their husbands/boyfriends never want sex.


Drudicta t1_j86o6vv wrote

Once a week was to much. :(

Still feel bad about it