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PomegranatePlanet t1_j8dq15w wrote

The article stated that the study did not consider any data related to reduction in transmission.

My comment is that, due to that limitation, it is too simplistic to make such a broad recommendation. A better study is needed.


JurassicCotyledon t1_j8dsao5 wrote

Sure, I agree. But I’m wondering if you know of any data that suggests an estimated reduction in transmission rates associated with these vaccines.


Generallyawkward1 t1_j8e0tx8 wrote

That’s the real question. Id wager they are stil ongoing, as it’s still too soon to get a broad scope of it, especially with the different variants and weather change.


JurassicCotyledon t1_j8e1fys wrote

Agreed. Another big question is the comparable impact of vaccine immunity alone reducing transmission, compared to natural immunity from previous exposure. Nearly everyone has been exposed at this point, vaccinated or not. And we don’t have a very effective means at identifying a control group.