[deleted] t1_j8l4m8w wrote
RatchetMyPlank t1_j8l5lce wrote
Definition of the term "free sugar" as outlined in the UK
KeepTangoAndFoxtrot t1_j8l5wfl wrote
> The definition of free sugars includes: all added sugars in any form; all sugars naturally present in fruit and vegetable juices, purées and pastes and similar products in which the structure has been broken down; all sugars in drinks (except for dairy-based drinks); and lactose and galactose added as ingredients. The sugars naturally present in milk and dairy products, fresh and most types of processed fruit and vegetables and in cereal grains, nuts and seeds are excluded from the definition.
NuggetMDr t1_j8l732a wrote
Haven't we known this for years now?
beltalowda_oye t1_j8l97mq wrote
Yes but now we know... harder.
NuggetMDr t1_j8l9me3 wrote
Well it's good to make sure I guess
[deleted] t1_j8lc9kf wrote
snoman18x t1_j8ld77j wrote
So all sugar then?
[deleted] t1_j8ldxnw wrote
many_monkey_dot_gov t1_j8le1pp wrote
No, actually it’s only
all added sugars in any form; all sugars naturally present in fruit and vegetable juices, purées and pastes and similar products in which the structure has been broken down; all sugars in drinks (except for dairy-based drinks); and lactose and galactose added as ingredients. The sugars naturally present in milk and dairy products, fresh and most types of processed fruit and vegetables and in cereal grains, nuts and seeds are excluded from the definition.
[deleted] t1_j8lef70 wrote
Is it all sugar?
TheTrueSleuth t1_j8lesfw wrote
No, not sugar in fresh fruit , processed fruit, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts and seeds.
Capable-Site-301 t1_j8lf2b3 wrote
More like decades.
snoman18x t1_j8lh01p wrote
Ok. I misread that. Thanks
themengsk1761 t1_j8ll78k wrote
Basically hyperglycemia is really harmful for your health, and a sedentary body less able to maintain tight blood sugar control over time causes significant increases to your risk for cardiovascular disease.
Darkhorseman81 t1_j8loocp wrote
Careful, the sugar lobby, and their political pets, will come for you after posting this.
Get ready for a wall of Narcissistic smirks in suits.
Darkhorseman81 t1_j8lor9i wrote
We knew from 1908 to 1936. Over 10000 animal model and 100 human model studies linking 10% sugar 3% salt diet linked to metabolic disorder and dementia.
[deleted] t1_j8lq1da wrote
[deleted] t1_j8lrs47 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8lsa28 wrote
-nn23- t1_j8lsed4 wrote
yeah, didint get it, too. strange wording there
[deleted] t1_j8lunve wrote
[deleted] t1_j8lxf1e wrote
Taifood1 t1_j8lxnu7 wrote
“While meta-analyses of observational studies have found that intake of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is associated with IHD [12,13,14,15], the associations between total dietary free sugars and risk of CVD and CVD subtypes remain unclear [2, 16, 17].”
This doesn’t sound very definitive to me.
[deleted] t1_j8ly19h wrote
[deleted] t1_j8m5cnv wrote
[deleted] t1_j8m82pp wrote
AadamAtomic t1_j8m8pvz wrote
Diet knowledge Lite.
OfLittleToNoValue t1_j8m9n4o wrote
I've seen many people resist reports like this to (wrongly) blame cholesterol and saturated fat.
Strict_Geologist_603 t1_j8magrb wrote
That's the introduction, talking about previous studies. They did the study to get more evidence and estabilish a more definitive link
[deleted] t1_j8mdqg1 wrote
updatedprior t1_j8mdtpz wrote
Knowing is half the battle
[deleted] t1_j8mfn7y wrote
helm t1_j8mgwso wrote
> all sugars naturally present in fruit and vegetable juices
It's considered free sugar from the first sentence. It is confusing since orange juice is a juice and also "processed fruit". But in a juice, the sugars are separated from the fibers.
lupuscapabilis t1_j8mn7zj wrote
Well hospitals are still overwhelmingly full of people who ignore this, so it doesn’t seem like it.
TenaceErbaccia t1_j8mpnzf wrote
It’s not people that ignore it so much as people who were never educated about reality. The type of people that believe diet soda, gatorade, and vitamin water are health drinks. Marketing and pushing sugar addiction has really done a number on people.
Sindertone t1_j8mpt6i wrote
Please tell me my coffee with milk and honey is ok. It's got them cow squeezing, right?
Kalibos40 t1_j8mqm5j wrote
>The sugars naturally present in milk and dairy products, fresh and most types of processed fruit and vegetables and in cereal grains, nuts and seeds are excluded from the definition.
whyworka t1_j8mskz2 wrote
Dr Atkins wrote about it back in the 1970s.
Ixneigh t1_j8mtrxz wrote
Fruit juice is just as bad as soda, basically.
Ixneigh t1_j8mtzb0 wrote
It’s free sugar since it lacks the fiber needed to slow the sugar absorption and avoid a big blood sugar rise.
niboras t1_j8mu0y9 wrote
From the posted definition, the milk is fine. Honey is just pure sugar. It isn’t explicitly called out but it is chemically almost identical to white table sugar.
HavingNotAttained t1_j8mvihx wrote
Sugar is free now? Nice
ffxivthrowaway03 t1_j8mwj8j wrote
Lets not put diet soda in the same category as gatorade/vitamin water and perpetuate the "diet soda gives you cancer/heart disease/whatever" misinformation. Diet soda is not a "health drink" by any measure despite "health food" already being a vague and meaningless term, but there's no free sugar (or any sugar) in it whereas drinks like gatorade are full of free sugars. This particular study isn't discussing sugar substitutes and their potential effects on long term health.
chaosmass2 t1_j8my1cl wrote
Happiness causes death, we get it
jakoto0 t1_j8myp3k wrote
But if you're not sedentary and just completed vigorous exercise, some electrolytes in the form of a sports drink for example might still make sense..
ProfQuatermass42 t1_j8n40gb wrote
So always paid for it?
bobby_risigliano t1_j8n8tgj wrote
So if I juice fresh fruit is that the same as fruit juice?
kdavis37 t1_j8na96k wrote
Centuries. We've known since the early-middle 1800's at LEAST.
Criticism-Lazy t1_j8nc1k4 wrote
They said HARDER.
jagoble t1_j8nccu7 wrote
Sounds like it. I think the difference is when the fruit is whole, it's bound up in fiber, takes more time to digest, and thus doesn't spike blood sugar as much.
DeadNotSleeping86 t1_j8ncd1g wrote
Interesting. I wonder how consuming something like OJ with a food that's high in fiber would change this, if at all?
ffxivthrowaway03 t1_j8ndt5h wrote
Oh absolutely. We need some sugars in our diet, and the occasional gatorade is no more "unhealthy" than anything else. People just want to condense everything to "good" or "bad" as if there's no room for nuance when diet and health are so much more complicated than that.
PsychologicalLuck343 t1_j8ne0oj wrote
What is "free sugar intake?"
The_Wizard_of_Bwamp t1_j8neqqh wrote
The more you know more, you know?
chrisp909 t1_j8ng62l wrote
So, couch potatoes that eat a lot of sweets tend to have more heart attacks. Got it, good to know.
Ixneigh t1_j8ngs9q wrote
Doubtful. People don’t chew the food that well for that to be a factor. Plus you can drink 10 oranges of straight juice. You’d never eat that many.
garry4321 t1_j8nhb1h wrote
I Just did a study; IT FOUND THE SAME THING!!!
katarh t1_j8nhr2p wrote
Big Sugar still trying to do their damndest to make us blame eggs instead.
katarh t1_j8ni6jp wrote
My hour long resistance training session at the gym doesn't need gatorade, just some water and a good meal afterward.
That marathoner who is on mile 20 and has hit the wall, pushed through it, pooped himself, and is on the verge of passing out and is only still going due to sheer endorphins? Yep, electrolytes make a LOT of sense.
katarh t1_j8nif4o wrote
It's that. Sugar in whole fruit that still has its fiber isn't as bad.
Eat an orange, don't drink orange juice.
Eat grapes, don't drink grape juice.
Eat apples, don't drink apple juice.
[deleted] t1_j8nilir wrote
jakoto0 t1_j8nlpzk wrote
For sure, that's a stretch though. Any time of vigorous cardio or sport where you're sweating a lot.. I prefer mostly water but you're generally going to benefit from some electrolytes including sugars. Obviously best to get as much you can from normal diet
[deleted] t1_j8nmtel wrote
New-Teaching2964 t1_j8nox4r wrote
What’s the difference then between saying “free sugar” and just saying “sugar”
Fjellapeutenvett t1_j8noxsu wrote
10% sugar intake sounds insanely high though. The question is how much normal sugar intake takes a toll on our bodies.
[deleted] t1_j8npayf wrote
[deleted] t1_j8npnar wrote
mimi7600 t1_j8npofg wrote
Not all sedentary people are couch potatoes. The elderly can't move as well as those younger than them and medical issues can worsen it.
[deleted] t1_j8npxzs wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nr5xy wrote
KeepTangoAndFoxtrot t1_j8nrran wrote
As best as I can tell, "free sugar" is "more sugar than you would encounter naturally." For instance, fruit juices use way more fruits than you would normally eat in one sitting, whereas just plain old fruit isn't considered "free sugar." It's not incredibly clear to me either, though.
[deleted] t1_j8ns80l wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ns96c wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nscwp wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nsyov wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nutt2 wrote
fapalicius t1_j8nz77n wrote
I would not eat it but it's free and I can't resist
sparklezpotatoes t1_j8o0lhs wrote
or if you have a job thats mostly spent driving, or an office job, or or etc
SilentBeetle t1_j8o0oaf wrote
There is no dietary need for sugar. Our body DOES need glucose, but you don't need to eat sugar to get it.
Your body can and will make the glucose it needs from non-carbohydrate precursors.
LitLitten t1_j8o0w4x wrote
Depression can also promote a sedentary lifestyle. Adding, a healthy diet can also require more effort and work, which might difficult to maintain for both groups.
TheNotSoGreatPumpkin t1_j8o5yj9 wrote
It’s always confused me the way sugar was treated as a staple for so long.
In descriptions of daily life in the 19th century, you’ll see a provisions list like “flour, canned beans, dried meat, tallow, loaf of sugar…”
When the going was rough, why was it so important for people to have such a useless delicacy as sugar? Even the Donner Party prioritized it if my reading recollection is right.
TheNotSoGreatPumpkin t1_j8o7ou4 wrote
And fat and dietary cholesterol in general.
I’ve eaten about a dozen eggs a week for 50ish years, and my heart health is fine. Just stick to whole foods, move a lot, and don’t eat trash.
Highly processed foods are the real enemy, but that’s where most of the money is. Food corporations will almost literally crap on a plate and serve it up as a sundae.
ffxivthrowaway03 t1_j8o886v wrote
Given that this is /r/science, it's worth pointing out that glucose is a sugar.
We get enough sugars to sustain ourselves from natural sugars in the foods we eat and we don't need added sugars or "table sugar" to survive, but the sugars we need are still sugars.
caidus55 t1_j8o8uza wrote
So processed sugar
[deleted] t1_j8obdf4 wrote
Coenclucy t1_j8oja9k wrote
It's never a bad thing to remind those amongst us that know, but still live an unhealthy lifestyle. I'm sure I'm one of those people or I wouldn't have scrolled the comments.
[deleted] t1_j8opljc wrote
tharinock t1_j8otybk wrote
It's a bit more than that. Drinking the juice of an orange would be free sugar, but eating the orange whole would not. I'm not a nutritionists or anything, but my understanding is the foods not counted as free sugar typically have the sugar bound up in a bunch of other stuff, so it takes longer to digest.
he_and_She23 t1_j8oxwtq wrote
Glycemic index of an orange is 40. Glycemic index of orange juice is 66-70. Orange juice will spike your sugar.
gfx_bsct t1_j8oy4hc wrote
Saturated fat intake is also associated with cardiovascular disease. Cholesterol doesn't seem to be that useful of an indication, but high presence of Apo B, a lipoprotein which carries cholesterol, is associated with cardiovascular disease
[deleted] t1_j8oyi1u wrote
Khenghis_Ghan t1_j8oyvsy wrote
Interesting, that doesn’t include sugar alcohols and natural no/low calorie sweeteners. Don’t that have similar insulin reactions though?
SilentBeetle t1_j8oyz37 wrote
You pointed out that we need some sugar in our diet. Your body does not need to consume any sugar to survive. I'm well aware sugar has many forms.
Ally_Jzzz t1_j8p0gnq wrote
10% sugar is not that much, right? At least not if you include sugars from fruit, vegetables, dairy, etc. I've been tracking and trying to control my food intake for a couple of weeks and consistently get around 10% of my total energy from sugars. And I don't even drink any beveragea that contain sugar, don't add sugar to any food or drinks myself!
fentanyzzle t1_j8p0l57 wrote
There are NO essential carbohydrates. There are essential fats and proteins, including amino acids.
Fjellapeutenvett t1_j8p0tim wrote
Well, this study is talking about free sugars, not fructose or lactase. So i wouldnt think your numbers are what they are talking about here, your diet sounds great. Free sugars would be added sugars in pre packaged meals or from sodas, or straight white sugar. If i understood it correctly
[deleted] t1_j8p18p7 wrote
Ally_Jzzz t1_j8p285z wrote
Right, I see. Well that does make a big difference indeed. Thanks for clarifying.
Pithyperson t1_j8p3lh0 wrote
Hm. Never would've thought it. But smoking's still good, right?
Uncynical_Diogenes t1_j8p74ul wrote
Oh yeah. If you smoke, a noticeable effect size is basically guaranteed!
Geekbot_5000_ t1_j8p81q8 wrote
I hear it's also bad for your teeth.
[deleted] t1_j8p8i7k wrote
diagnosedwolf t1_j8pfrkm wrote
I mean, a couch potato is a derogatory term for a person who takes little exercise and spends a great deal of time watching TV. I’m disabled and largely housebound. I’d be offended if someone chose to insult me by calling me a couch potato as if I chose this life, but I can’t deny that the definition fits.
[deleted] t1_j8pgu0j wrote
[deleted] t1_j8pj5hc wrote
Abundance144 t1_j8plt50 wrote
Not just sweets. Carbohydrates in particular. Carbohydrates are literally just strings of glucose. Strings of sugar. Eating a potato will literally raise your blood sugar faster than an equal amount of table sugar.
dlr6481 t1_j8pman2 wrote
What does “free sugar” intake even mean?
PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j8pmb04 wrote
Yea and how many studies do you still see trying to push the notion that dietary fat is the problem without controlling for sugar intake in the recipients diets and using cholesterol as their marker despite the 5 meta studies done in the past 20 years not being able to identify any meaningful association between animal fat and heart disease/early mortality. Nutrition science is such a sketchy field as the vast majority of studies are funded by corporations seeking a certain bias in the outcome to support their product.
PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j8pmiv4 wrote
How much food though is laced with high fructose corn syrup… it’s in your bread, any snack foods, candy, soda, etc. HFCS is everywhere…. Anyone who has done keto before having to track all the nutrition labels knows how bad and widespread the problem has become.
PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j8pmsrm wrote
They clearly say in a purée but fruit juice is considered added sugar as there is no fiber left.
[deleted] t1_j8pmtqy wrote
PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j8pmxkx wrote
Despite you being 100% correct, try saying this in most subreddits and the Reddit vegan army will hunt you down.
PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j8pn36b wrote
Sugar that is not bound with fiber or other factors that slows its release. For example fructose in a fruit has a slower release vs the same fruit’s juice.
[deleted] t1_j8poeoh wrote
Arterial238 t1_j8pofox wrote
I think it's meant to be a "derogatory term" towards those who have the ability to do otherwise, and don't. You're kind of inserting yourself into a situation that doesn't exist/you aren't in.
I mean what was even the point of you saying this?
[deleted] t1_j8pr380 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8pr8p7 wrote
Tikaped t1_j8prinu wrote
We do not need carbs but if you are going to have a healthy diet you will have no other alternative since I do not think popping pills count. But I would love to be proven wrong.
The imporantant point is there should be some room for nuance. When I was young there were litterly no obesy children at my school. Maybe one or two was slightly owerwight in every class. Despite that many ate candies every saturday. Some “free sugar” was not a problem then and does not need to be a problem today.
[deleted] t1_j8pufhr wrote
[deleted] t1_j8puq36 wrote
ElevenSleven t1_j8pxg1m wrote
I think it also depends on the method of juicing. If you include the pulp (by juicing the whole fruit) you still get the Fibre from the fruit. If you just squeeze the juice out its just sugar water.
Timigos t1_j8pymn7 wrote
What is booty
[deleted] t1_j8pyzea wrote
zack189 t1_j8q1nb4 wrote
Isn't a potato more complex than sugar tho? Taking more time to digest?
sadi89 t1_j8q1wvx wrote
This is a correlation study not causation.
sadi89 t1_j8q29mf wrote
Thank you. This study is purely correlation. It’s not causation. Correlation can give a good place to start when looking for cause but they are in no way the same thing.
zack189 t1_j8q5ouc wrote
Unbound sugar. When you eat a fruit, the sugar in that fruit is bound by fiber. It releases slower and thus gradually increases your sugar level, not spike it.
If you drink fruit juice, the sugar has no fibers, so it spikes your sugar level
gfx_bsct t1_j8q7f41 wrote
Glucose is the essential carbohydrate. Your body would not function without glucose.
Abundance144 t1_j8q8qif wrote
You'd think so. But the glycemic index is higher for the potato than the pure table sugar; meaning that its broken down into sugar faster
Fjellapeutenvett t1_j8qi25z wrote
Not where i live, but i can imagine its bad in the states.
aaracer666 t1_j8qlvs7 wrote
I think they feel bad about a situation they don't have control over, and sedentary being equated to couch potato made them want point out that not everyone is choosing the lifestyle that they themselves are forced to live, because many make assumptions, and they wanted to make sure people know that not all people are in the situation by choice. Because people do make assumptions.
This is an understandable response when you feel like you may be judged unfairly based on others' choices, and you have none.
What was your point in phrasing it in a way to make them feel worse?
FlametopFred t1_j8qo6rb wrote
Office workers are sedentary
[deleted] t1_j8qxcnk wrote
TheGillos t1_j8r3gfr wrote
Your body can make all the glucose it requires.
[deleted] t1_j8r5njy wrote
crookedcrab t1_j8rambx wrote
You really thing big sugar cars about a Reddit post with a few thousand views?
eviljason t1_j8rbkog wrote
Yep. I’ve always been active. Hell, I have my BS in Exercise Physiology & Biomechanics. However, I’m 54 and have developed a rare form of Rheumatoid Arthritis that keeps me from moving much these days. We have not yet found meds I can take to get me back moving somewhat normally. To the outside person, I probably appear to be a couch potato. I think even to some of the inside people I may appear that way. My wife rides my ass constantly about needing to get up and move but she isn’t the one dealing with the pain and the energy drain that comes from tolerating the pain for 8-12 hours a day while working.
eviljason t1_j8rbqsv wrote
Not just glucose. Most are actually long chain sugars that require some work from the body’s enzymes to break them down to simple sugars.
Wise-War-Soni t1_j8rcrrz wrote
I feel like alot of people don’t know anything about health.
[deleted] t1_j8rhe6v wrote
ffxivthrowaway03 t1_j8rr3l4 wrote
If you want to get pedantically technical, we can say that you need to either consume the carbohydrates that will break down specifically into glucose or foods that directly contain glucose itself, but you can't survive with literally 0 glucose.
While we don't need to consume added sugars or already simple glucose, fructose, maltose, or sucrose, we must consume enough carbohydrates that will break down into glucose to support brain function.
Your words specifically were
>There is no dietary need for sugar.
Which is simply untrue, unless your making the argument that we could mainline glucose infused saline or something to avoid eating it, but that's silly.
grown t1_j8rvt58 wrote
He wasn't attacking you, don't double down on the spot you were specifically incorrect in.
[deleted] t1_j8rzvbs wrote
Ed_Trucks_Head t1_j8sb6di wrote
No read the last sentence
[deleted] t1_j8sbc2x wrote
soaklord t1_j8sflx6 wrote
Electrolytes? Yes. Sugars? No. You are better off drinking pickle juice than any "electrolyte" drink. Gatorade, PowerAde, etc. are all full of free sugars. On both of my century rides (100 mile rides) I drank electrolytes in water and ate salty foods (ham and cheese). I did not need sugars to complete either of them.
chrisp909 t1_j8sgi1m wrote
Not all office workers.
jakoto0 t1_j8sl618 wrote
I guess it's worth noting that many sports drinks (including Gatorade & Powerade) have non-sugar or very little sugar options (gatorlyte I think?) that just have electrolytes. Completely agree with you though, just saying it's worth distinguishing from soda, for example.
SilentBeetle t1_j8sp55m wrote
I pointed out that we don't need sugar in our diet to survive. Can you explain what was incorrect about what I said?
SilentBeetle t1_j8spigl wrote
I'm not sure if you're intentionally missing the point, but the body does not need a dietary source of glucose to survive. Yes the brain needs glucose, but I'll say it again since it looks like you missed it.
Your body can and will make the glucose it needs from non-carbohydrate precursors.
PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j8szd0g wrote
Yup... probably why I don't really eat carbs beyond low carb veggies like cruciferous vegetables or low carb fruits like avocados.
bannedPosts t1_j8tonfn wrote
Sugars (looking at you fructose) results in the production of damaged VLDLs which elicit an inflammatory response on blood vessel walls, causing them to leak. Cholesterol's job is to plug leaks.
[deleted] t1_j8treu7 wrote
Cowsie t1_j8ub33b wrote
This is the opposite for sweet potatoes though innit?
egoic t1_j8ueblh wrote
Would someone be able to tell me if dates very finely blended into a paste would be a radically safer alternative to add in place of normal sugar? Or is that basically just "free sugar" too when you blend it too fine?
Darkhorseman81 t1_j8ur124 wrote
You'd be surprised how they micro manage small sparks before they spiral into wild fires.
Watch Cosmos a Space-time Journey season 1. An episode called The Clean Room.
About the guy who discovered the Fossil Fuel Industry gave every child on the face of the earth lead poisoning, and sparked an international crime wave.
The Lengths the Public Relations Firms went to gaslight reality.
Most people don't know this even happened, because they went to such lengths to bury it and to control the Narrative.
Same PR firms work for Big Sugar and Big Tobacco. They have armies of bots and media men on their payroll.
One thing they know is how to shift reality and stop fires before they spread.
aaracer666 t1_j8vg03p wrote
I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I have fibromyalgia and ptsd, depression, and anxiety, and they all feed into each other, as I'm sure you're aware, so I personally understand trying treatment after treatment without any real help. Our daughter has hyperthyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis and we have personally witnessed the debilitating effects of it, and what pissed me off the most was her mom (I'm step) actually called her lazy.
I took her to the Dr when she was shuffling like a 70 year old who had also lost tons of weight due to lack of appetite. This happened around covid, so there had been some time in between visits with the kids, and her condition was shocking.
I can't imagine getting on anyone for feeling too bad to move. You're feeling bad enough. Why add to it? My husband never gets on me, and I can't express how appreciative I am of that, but at the same time, I know that's how it should be.
I hope your wife's perspective on your ailment improves and (most of all) that you find a treatment that works for you.
Again, I'm sorry for your condition and the added pressure you must be feeling due to attitudes about it. I've had people call me a liar, one of the kids when they were younger had an attitude that I was just lazy because I just couldn't do anything, you get it.
It really sucks to have an invisible but very real health condition. Especially one that can so wear on you mentally when the physical just won't let up. Many people lack so much understanding on that particular factor in unrelenting pain. Their attitude just stacks something on top of it that you really dont need, and I hope for you that the attitude towards you relents, at the very least.
[deleted] t1_j8vz21j wrote
meathole t1_j8wylas wrote
Essential means your buddy can’t make it. Your body can directly make glucose from fat or protein.
R3nmack t1_j8xel8i wrote
Why does the article say Free Sugar?! Like, is that Sugar free? Is this article about the effect of sugar or about the effect of sweeteners?
archaeologistbarbie t1_j8xrufn wrote
I worry about this so much. I need to cut my intake really badly.
[deleted] t1_j8z73we wrote
[deleted] t1_j90l9am wrote
xxdxrmxn4xx t1_j94e9ai wrote
This is common sense. Stop being stupid.
cherry-medicine t1_j9693hb wrote
blending generally breaks down fiber so yes it would cause a greater spike in glucose & insulin than eating it whole. probably still better than regular sugar (different forms of free sugar still have varying glycemic indexes) but likely not a massive difference
AutoModerator t1_j8l3y2z wrote
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