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snellickers t1_j97hc4f wrote

With the world’s population over 8 billion and still climbing, we have no chance at fixing this. Zero.

The decision not to take overpopulation seriously in the 1970s doomed us as much as anything.

Overpopulation is hopelessness.


squanchingonreddit t1_j98nj5t wrote

It's slowing. Education for women is key.


[deleted] t1_j98s6p8 wrote



squanchingonreddit t1_j9apwwq wrote

Everything country with very large populations is stalling or already currently going down. What more do you want dude?


[deleted] t1_j9b2mh3 wrote



squanchingonreddit t1_j9bg0p1 wrote

It's turning around in a generation, and carbon sequesteration will be needed on a large scale, but it's literally doable.