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JoaoBinda t1_j9ds47a wrote

You likely haven’t dodged catching it, you’ve just dodged the symptoms. I think there was a post in here a week or so ago about a certain protein found in the lungs that some people have that help them evade any symptoms.


Gotanyfunkopops t1_j9dyok1 wrote

My wife is a physician and we have tested frequently for it since the onset, and nope, neither of us have caught it. My wife is super careful, even now she still wears face shields and N95. I work from home and we still wear masks when we go out, so that helps too. We actually haven’t been sick with cold or flu in three years either.


Not_Stupid t1_j9ef9jk wrote

You've almost certainly been exposed though. You've just had a sufficient immune response to the viral particles that entered your system that they haven't been able to get a foothold and replicate to a detectable level.

My whole family got it, but I felt fine other than the barest hint of a headache. Tested negative for days after they'd all been confirmed, and finally got a postive test well after any hint of symptoms had gone.

Like you, I don't get sick much generally. From viruses at least, bacterial or fungal infections are a different story.


Single_Family_Homes t1_j9zalh3 wrote

This is just not knowable. You're making stuff up. Strong false consensus bias vibes here.


shooter_tx t1_j9evrws wrote

"My wife is a physician and we have tested frequently for it since the onset, and nope, neither of us have caught it."

Are y'all just testing for active infection (e.g. PCR and RAT)?

Or have y'all actually had "full panel" antibody tests?

(I call them 'full panel' now, because in the early days of the pandemic I had to get two different referrals in order to get a f'n antibody test, and despite asking and getting assurances from four different people that it wouldn't be just a simple IGA test... it did, in fact, end up being just a simple IgA test... I was f'n livid, and they ended up not charging me for it)


Gotanyfunkopops t1_j9gczwt wrote

Just testing for the active. We tested for the full panel about a year ago, and it came up negative. Haven’t done one ever since.