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andreichiffa t1_jadwt07 wrote

A lot of anti-epileptic medication also has a stabilizing effect on milder forms of bipolar disorders. I wonder if that might play a role here.


stilettopanda t1_jaepem6 wrote

Lamictal is the one I'm on. It doesn't deaden emotions though. At least not mine, unfortunately. Haha


throneofthornes t1_jaelz6w wrote

I'm on lamotrigine for bipolar 2 and used to be a functional alcoholic. I used to drink .75 to 1.5 bottles of wine a day, and thought about it constantly. Now I can easily choose not to drink, don't often want to drink, and can stop after a glass. I've left drinks half finished, never done that in my life.


BearcatInTheBurbs t1_jaef507 wrote

It deadens emotions by removing pleasure. Not exactly what someone with Bi Polar needs. It can exacerbate suicidal tendencies.