chrisdh79 OP t1_jacs7it wrote
From the article: Importantly, the study found no evidence that the results varied based on the presence of a genetic variant associated with alcohol use disorder.
Topiramate is a medication that is commonly used to treat epilepsy and prevent migraine headaches. It works by regulating the activity of certain chemicals in the brain that can contribute to seizures or migraines. In recent years, topiramate has also been studied as a potential treatment for alcohol dependence, as it may help reduce cravings and symptoms of withdrawal. But scientists are not sure if a specific variation in the GRIK1 gene (rs2832407) affects how well topiramate works to reduce drinking.
“My research interests include personalizing substance use disorder treatments for people based on different characteristics, including why they use substances, co-occurring psychological disorders, and biological characteristics (e.g., genetics), among other considerations,” said study author Victoria Votaw, a PhD candidate and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism predoctoral fellow at the University of New Mexico.
“Therefore, I was very interested in research showing that the effect of topiramate, a medication that has shown efficacy for treating alcohol use disorder, on alcohol use outcomes might vary by a type of genetic mutation called a single-nucleotide polymorphism. Upon doing a deeper dive into this literature, I realized the findings were mixed, and my co-authors and I decided to look at daily data reported via telephone from a trial of topiramate to further explore this research question.”
“Using daily data might help clarify how topiramate works for different people and provide more information regarding whether topiramate’s effectiveness depends on the genetic variant we examined.”
The study involved 164 people who wanted to stop or reduce their drinking. They were randomly divided into two groups: one group received topiramate, while the other group received a placebo (a “dummy” medication with no active ingredients). Participants were seen once a week for six weeks and the medication dosage was gradually increased from 25 mg/day to a maximum of 200 mg/day.
RamboGoesMeow t1_jacux1d wrote
Oh hell yeah. This is fantastic news for alcoholics like me. Fingers crossed that this gets studied more, and ends up being genuinely effective for the vast majority of people seeking help.
[deleted] t1_jacztai wrote
Dsphar t1_jad6v8q wrote
Topirimate sucks. There is a reason they call it dopirimate. Having said that, it has its uses.
[deleted] t1_jad9zj0 wrote
[deleted] t1_jadcdlh wrote
Metelex t1_jademza wrote
Someone give it to Bert
beecherrrr t1_jadfxos wrote
I was on this evil drug for 6 mos. to treat chronic headaches. While it was effective in treating my headaches, the crappy side effects where much worse than the headaches.
minicpst t1_jadhady wrote
I had hallucinations and delusions, was noticeably stupid, and lost a ton of weight. That was the only good part.
I’m fifty pounds up (so, fat), and not as stupid. I think I’ll take it? It was so bad.
Theablea t1_jadi6gx wrote
I was on Topiramate for a couple of months for migraines. I completely lost interest in drinking alcohol - and eating.
[deleted] t1_jadi8oi wrote
[deleted] t1_jadif8r wrote
WhoCaresAnyway2017 t1_jadjpss wrote
Keep featherin' it brother
[deleted] t1_jadkrlm wrote
Bombast_ t1_jadld58 wrote
Based off your comment I took a peek at the side effects...sheesh. Sounds like it would be pretty difficult to function as an adult.
muscletrain t1_jadoaqg wrote
This drug sounds nasty, have you looked into Baclofen ? An alcoholic doctor wrote a book on it and how it stopped his drinking. It's a strong GABA-B drug. I have first hand experience with it helping me kick a heavy GHB addiction that would have hospitalized most people.
Highly highly underrated for alcohol/GHB/dealing with any severe GABA-B issues
dbbk t1_jadqhvu wrote
Doesn't naltrexone already do this pretty well?
RamboGoesMeow t1_jadsnep wrote
I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, so I’ll ask about that. I’m just 14 days sober, and doing my best to remain that way. AA makes it difficult with the god aspect, but that’s my best bet since other options are few and far between due to my schedule.
ThePowderhorn t1_jaduio3 wrote
Topiramate successfully dulled my interest in everything outside of drinking. Some people may find some benefit, but it's no magic bullet.
[deleted] t1_jadvnwe wrote
hippoheft t1_jadw8mu wrote
I've had great luck with Gabapentin, but everybody's different.
Another helpful resource to keep in mind is r/stopdrinking.
Mercury2Phoenix t1_jadwi39 wrote
I see a lot of people complaining about the drug, but know that for some people, it works, and there aren't many side effects. I was on it for years to help with migraines. The "side effect" I noticed was that I would no longer get a buzz or any reward from drinking alcohol. (I liked to drink in social settings to easy social anxiety.) I've seen other studies in the past on it being used for alcohol dependence but the results were inconsistent. One guy in the documentary I watched went from drinking a 24 pack of beer a day, to total abstinence.
[deleted] t1_jadwne2 wrote
andreichiffa t1_jadwt07 wrote
A lot of anti-epileptic medication also has a stabilizing effect on milder forms of bipolar disorders. I wonder if that might play a role here.
SomethingClever42068 t1_jadwyd3 wrote
Check out S.A.F.E. instead.
If it were AA or nothing for me I'd still be drinking a liter + of vodka a day.
I guess I'm not a complete success, since I drink one night a week (and never until I'm black out drunk)
But it's been over 1600 days since I've drank daily so it's a win in my book.
Edit: S.M.A.R.T. not safe.
My bad guys.
Flock_with_me t1_jadxeim wrote
Naltrexone might be an option to ask your doctor about. It definitely helped a lot with the drinking, but unfortunately for me it caused sudden bouts of depression whenever I took it. I was struggling with depression anyway and really couldn't deal with added mood drops, but I've read that this very rare and that it works well for other people. The few times I used naltrexone it completely curbed my desire to drink, and if I had a drink in a social setting, the drink had no effect on me and - most importantly - didn't lead to a horrific bender.
Ultimately I needed therapeutic psychedelics to treat both my alcoholism and depression. I hope you find a path that works for you.
[deleted] t1_jadxfaf wrote
[deleted] t1_jadxj3e wrote
RamboGoesMeow t1_jadxoyp wrote
I’m definitely looking at all options right now, because I truly want to stay sober this time, I’m so tired of being a drunk asshole.
DamonSing t1_jadytcn wrote
I was topiramate for about 5 years for seizures. I lost so much weight that I was around 90lbs. Most of my hair fell out. I could barely function and spent days laying around drugged out of my mind. It took me 8 months of slowly cutting back to get off of it. It was an absolute nightmare. As a recovering alcoholic, I can assure everyone here that there are much much better and safer ways to get sober. You do not want to take this medication.
altcastle t1_jadz5ae wrote
Why once a week? Just need that day to look forward to? Once I quit after a decade + of drinking a precise but heavy amount nightly, I just put it behind me besides a random drink if I’m at dinner celebrating very rarely.
I think if I kept anything around, I’d go back to my old ways.
DamonSing t1_jadz6cw wrote
I was on topiramate for 5 years for my seizures. It was a nightmare experience and hard as hell to get off of. I’ve been sober almost a decade now and I promise you there are much better ways to stop drinking.
[deleted] t1_jadzaev wrote
[deleted] t1_jadzmv4 wrote
muscletrain t1_jae1hwn wrote
Keep in mind gabapentin and pregabalin have nasty withdrawals that not many people speak about.
[deleted] t1_jae23vs wrote
MrKahnberg t1_jae2i87 wrote
You deserve to be sober. Are you able to talk about this a dr? I started with a conversation with my gp. Now sober for about 28 months.
I realize now that the fear of not getting drunk was why I drank so much for so long. I attend an informal video meeting once a week.
[deleted] t1_jae4cxm wrote
RamboGoesMeow t1_jae67zi wrote
Yes, I went through medical detox, and am on a 6 week course through my health insurance provider. I have about 2 hours of video meetings Mon-Fri, and attend 3 outside meetings a week. So far so good, I’m 14 days sober today, and I’m doing my best to stay sober.
Alien_Nicole t1_jaea9ez wrote
I don't know how you made it 6 months. I took it for about two weeks before I decided I'd prefer the migraines. It's the kind of tired you feel when you haven't slept in three months. Misery.
supermaja t1_jaeai3u wrote
Pharmacists say people on topiramate are “skinny and stupid”.
GnomaPhobic t1_jaeb980 wrote
Just do today what you did yesterday, and you'll stay sober today. And if you can stay sober today, you can do it again tomorrow. I found that mantra was helpful to me when I was struggling to quit drinking, thought I'd offer it in case it helps you too. It does get easier with time, I promise.
RamboGoesMeow t1_jaebmtd wrote
Thank you, I like that mantra and will certainly use it. I take it one day at a time, and it’s working for me so far.
PhillyCSteaky t1_jaecx9e wrote
Topiramate did absolutely nothing for me.
[deleted] t1_jaedezh wrote
BearcatInTheBurbs t1_jaeecg0 wrote
This is by no means a miracle drug. I was on it for several years for Migraines. It was not worth the brain fog, low energy and actually affected my performance at work worse that migraines themselves. Anyone who wants to use this needs to seriously consider side effects first.
It literally interrupts the synapses in your brain!
ETA: is also made my nose and fingers buzz constantly like they were asleep.
heather_is_my_name t1_jaeee7b wrote
My son has a rare form of epilepsy. This horrible drug multiplied the amount of seizures he was having by 10, no exaggeration. Other people in the support group for this syndrome had the same experience.
totesnotdog t1_jaeemh9 wrote
Sounds similar to some anti psychos where you don’t even have interest in spending energy on breathing even.
totesnotdog t1_jaeep57 wrote
Anything that makes you too tired to want to breath is not worth it.
BearcatInTheBurbs t1_jaef507 wrote
It deadens emotions by removing pleasure. Not exactly what someone with Bi Polar needs. It can exacerbate suicidal tendencies.
[deleted] t1_jaefcz8 wrote
HydroCorndog t1_jaeh1d8 wrote
Working as a pharmacist I remember a drug rep vaguely suggesting using it for weight loss. Suggested in such a way as to feign ignorance.
oddjobdrummer t1_jaeia32 wrote
They come out with a new pill every 6 weeks that's supposed to cure alcoholism. It always ends the same. However, There is a Solution....
Cult_ureS t1_jaejwqg wrote
I'm curious, why do drug reps come to you as a pharmacist? I thought they went after doctors and people in the decision making process with regards to what drug to prescribe a patient
unsilentninja t1_jaek9lx wrote
They convince the Dr's to prescribe it.
They convince the pharmacists to stock it
nihilisticpunchline t1_jaekif9 wrote
I've been on it for 7 years for migraines and it's been a god send. It might also be for someone else for this purpose or it might not. Let's not discourage (or even encourage) someone based on anecdotal evidence.
Cult_ureS t1_jaekp4v wrote
Hmm I was under the impression that pharmacies carried nearly every 'popular' medication, and special ordered the rare ones when a patient needed one filled.
[deleted] t1_jaekwmi wrote
throneofthornes t1_jaelz6w wrote
I'm on lamotrigine for bipolar 2 and used to be a functional alcoholic. I used to drink .75 to 1.5 bottles of wine a day, and thought about it constantly. Now I can easily choose not to drink, don't often want to drink, and can stop after a glass. I've left drinks half finished, never done that in my life.
MrKahnberg t1_jaem1ym wrote
The physiological benefits take a while to be noticeable. I'd say around 6 months sober I definitely felt more comfortable with my depression and started to lose weight.
You can dm me if you want to talk.
Probably the most important thing is to be connected to other people.
[deleted] t1_jaenfs9 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaenjqp wrote
Melodic-Heron-1585 t1_jaeo0hw wrote
Have been on it for 15+ years- it is an awful drug, but I'm in the select few that tolerates it well.
I also cannot feel my extremities at times, cannot gain weight to the point some have accused me of having worms, and appear drunk occasionally, even when stone cold sober.
Still a better alternative to life without Topomax.
EDIT: epilepsy and cluster headache issues- wouldn't suggest for migraines- ever.
Grationmi t1_jaeogdu wrote
Yea, I stayed on it for 2 weeks, and the side effects were worst than the migranes.
iwantyoutobehappy4me t1_jaeojbc wrote
I heard this from a psychiatrist I worked with over 15 years ago, and oddly I've just seen "new research" about this and weight loss due to topirimate.
So I'll go ahead and call the other thing they told me, which is that it can also reduce self injury in folks with IDD, lowering the "reward mechanism" for engaging in those behaviors.
For realizes though... how much "new research" do we need for things we've known for off-label use for the better part of 2 decades?
oldmanghozzt t1_jaepaju wrote
Brain fog is the single worst side effect a drug can have IMO. I loath getting sick and having to take cold meds. Nothing feels real, I can’t orgasm, I can’t think, but at least I don’t have a stuffy head.
stilettopanda t1_jaepem6 wrote
Lamictal is the one I'm on. It doesn't deaden emotions though. At least not mine, unfortunately. Haha
[deleted] t1_jaepy53 wrote
minicpst t1_jaeq5ed wrote
I don't take cold meds for this reason. Or drink alcohol (even before I was on meds that prohibited it). I hate not being able to think.
So now I have epilepsy, I can't remember my cats' names sometimes (they're not all new to me), and I'm constantly brain foggy. The universe does like to laugh sometimes.
rak1882 t1_jaeqkow wrote
I've been on it over a decade.
Once you accept you are just less intelligent than you used to be, it's easier.
That said, I didn't really get the weight loss benefits. Maybe cuz I was only on it for migraines. I lost some weight but nothing major. (Plus I'd been on nortriptyline previously- so basically all it did was take off the weight that one had put on me.)
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_jaer2zo wrote
Jfc 6 years? I think I took one or two doses and was like “nope doc. Gonna have to do something else”
DamonSing t1_jaeryal wrote
I’m glad it works for you, but I would highly recommend any person thinking of taking it do serious research before starting it. Many people have had horrific experiences on this medication and I will continue to discourage people from taking it regardless of your anecdotal positive experience.
5670765 t1_jaewgwh wrote
The VA gave me this for migraines, the side effects were worse than the migraines, I (slowly) quit taking it.
I couldn't recall the appropriate words I needed, I had to try to describe everything with a very basic vocabulary.
I also felt rage on it. I'm normally a very calm collected person and handle stress really well but this stuff made me a rage monster.
And it also caused significant memory issues.
nihilisticpunchline t1_jaewng9 wrote
Any person should do research, to include speaking to their doctor and/or pharmacist, before taking any medication. I have had horrendous experiences with other medications but I'm not going around telling people to not take them. It's not for me or you to decide if there are better ways for a person to manage their illnesses.
Emz324 t1_jaexgqo wrote
That’s what the vivitrol shot is for
Dsphar t1_jaf08fz wrote
It actually is part of a weight loss drug, isn't it? I dont remember the name, but the drug is a mix of Topirimate and Phentermine.
brando_face t1_jaf0d2h wrote
I’m transitioning off this med, was taking it for headaches but it’s giving me bad anxiety. Like, tightness in my chest feeling all day long. I’m going back to another headache med that worked better at getting rid of the headaches but gave me diarrhea. I’ll take the diarrhea over the anxiety. Once I’m totally off the topiramate I have a few more medications I can try out.
My alcohol use has decreased but that’s because I had to have a spinal tap ct scans and MRI’s to figure out what’s wrong with me and I don’t want being a fat ass to be the reason for my medical problems, so I’m loosing weight and it turns out there are a lot of calories in alcohol.
[deleted] t1_jaf0dyb wrote
pmb92 t1_jaf0nq0 wrote
I was on this for migraines a couple of years back per the suggestion of my PCP and it was absolutely one of the worst experiences of my life. I’d honestly never lacked a will to live, but this drug made me feel like it was all pointless. It’s as if every emotion was numbed away from my body. I was having trouble putting thoughts together, eating, and living any semblance of a life. Also food started to taste different which was absolutely bonkers. Stay the hell away from this stuff. For reference I was a young and fit healthy male in my mid-twenties when I was on it. Completely destroyed me.
jknott86 t1_jaf23tc wrote
Doctors don't like writing for medications that are not likely to be stocked. It creates a lot of extra headache if a patient gets somewhere and then the pharmacy says they'll have to special order it.
Tap_Z_or_R_Twice t1_jaf28sf wrote
>Once you accept you are just less intelligent than you used to be, it's easier.
Yeah that's gonna be a no for me dawg
samaramatisse t1_jaf3bf0 wrote
Naltrexone can also be used off label to help OCD and self harm behaviors like hair pulling and skin picking.
SatBurner t1_jaf4c0a wrote
If it's the one I'm thinking of, I was also on it for migraines. I drank once the night after taking it in the morning. I was not in a good place after 1 drink.
rssanford t1_jaf4uzi wrote
Taking Topiramate was one of the worst decisions of my life.
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