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r-reading-my-comment t1_ja0v1su wrote

Give some info. I’m getting “delivery people” as being the highest, but that includes all delivery drivers… Dominos to Brinks.

Other sites are saying it’s cops or cops/security.

They also say law enforcement has the most general violence committed against them. Not dying because you have a bullet proof vest on skews the data.

Edit: how dare I say someone should back something up, especially after their advice failed


DTFH_ t1_ja1j8df wrote

> They also say law enforcement has the most general violence committed against them

Did they compare themselves to healthcare workers? I'm sure behavioral health workers beats out law enforcement tenfold.


crazymoefaux t1_ja11t5k wrote

Yes, I'm using "pizza delivery driver" as a general example. You should be seeing that taxi and delivery drivers are being murdered 4x more frequently than cops, yes?


r-reading-my-comment t1_ja3e2yw wrote

Why are you championing the vagueness of your comment? By your rationale, cops should be lumped together with all security and first responders.