EconomistPunter t1_ja0ysq5 wrote
I was mentioning yesterday the low quality, dubious nature of too many cannabis studies. And here’s another one…
GivenAllTheFucksSry OP t1_ja0yzgd wrote
The link is to the website for the National Library of Medicine and the study was published in the most recent issue of the journal Antioxidants. What exactly is "dubious" or "low quality" about it? Please explain.
[deleted] t1_ja0z5k7 wrote
EconomistPunter t1_ja0z9ta wrote
Just because something is linked in the National Library doesn’t make it non-dubious…
EconomistPunter t1_ja0zcc9 wrote
Yes. I wonder how impact factor can be gamed…
The Scimago impact factor is 1. Know what that suggests?
GivenAllTheFucksSry OP t1_ja0zdyy wrote
It was published in the journal Antioxidants which has an impact factor of 7.6.
[deleted] t1_ja0zr8y wrote
BoreDominated t1_ja0zw4f wrote
I know, right? What were they smoking?
[deleted] t1_ja1547h wrote
beltalowda_oye t1_ja18c53 wrote
Well weed IS a flower. Apparently bees love cannabis because the pollen is super sweet
[deleted] t1_ja19m2b wrote
nickites t1_ja1agu5 wrote
I had always thought the ECS was only present in vertebrates?
[deleted] t1_ja1c1in wrote
[deleted] t1_ja1c7n4 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja1cj1n wrote
[deleted] t1_ja1x166 wrote
PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_ja43f0x wrote
It’s almost like cannabis and hemp are crucial parts of the ecosystem and a worldwide effort to stem wild or maintained growth has been bad for the environment
Im_Talking t1_ja4ro1d wrote
And 10 years ago there were zero (in the US). Pick your poison.
[deleted] t1_ja4vp6w wrote
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