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EnjoyLifeorDieTryin t1_jahqx1w wrote

No its called tonic immobility its the bodys response to extreme danger, when flight and fight aren’t possible your body goes into freeze mode


malevolentslime t1_jahz3qk wrote

It's honestly neither, this is a newly described and specific phenomenon to child sexual assault per the original article. Not the case in other forms of danger.


EnjoyLifeorDieTryin t1_jahzh1h wrote

Yeah i was just adding info on the other mentioned phenomenon in which i have a little knowledge, this seems to he a different more permanent change in the brain


Failp0 t1_jahriga wrote

Freeze mode is part of the fight or flight mode. It's not usually tacked on, though I should have. Dissociation is the out of body experience you feel triggered from the trauma and subsequent fight, flight or freeze mode. Tonic immobility would be a symptom of freeze mode specifically. I encourage you to google dissociation. It's fascinating what the brain can do in severe traumatic situations to help us survive.


EnjoyLifeorDieTryin t1_jahskn9 wrote

Ive had to do a lot of research unfortunately but i do think this phenomenon helped my partner be able to move on quicker because she only remembers what happened up until the freeze.