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A-Ham-Sandwich t1_jef6373 wrote

I've heard a lot of data about ibogaine being used in therapy because of its ability to allow self-reflection. Compounds like LSD DMT and psilocybin only actually give dissociative effects at very high levels. Where ibogaine gives dissociative effects at any point. So not only does it allow you to heavily disassociate but then the psychedelic properties allow you to interact with that dissociated personality and self-reflect.

Inconsidering a leading theory is that PTSD is from traumatic memories getting stored improperly into the brain having an experience with ibogaine would probably give the subject they brought opportunity to reexorb the data in a proper way.


Cumupin420 t1_jegor71 wrote

That is exactly what the theory is. I think mdma is more promising based only on the health risks with ibogaine, it's hard on your heart and liver or kidney (think liver). Check out mapps.Org they are studying mushrooms and mdma and where the first to start/get approved to do human studies. They also are focusing on vets and there partners. Super interesting