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Various_Oil_5674 t1_jbtm64c wrote

Wasn't most of the ozone repaired awhile ago?


horseren0ir t1_jbwa06n wrote

It started too after we got rid of CFC’s, I think it’s still on track to restoration by 2050, takes a while though


Various_Oil_5674 t1_jbwbj2x wrote

CFCs, that's what it was. Thank you haha.


NessyComeHome t1_jbwh7uy wrote

I took an EPA test to handle refrigerants.. Cfc's were horrible. 1 molecule of cfc would destroy 100,000 molecules of ozone.


AnytimeBro t1_jbu5u46 wrote

Yeah wasn't there a bunch of news about that in past few years? To the effect of "the ozone layer has been recovering since the start of the pandemic"