YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_jdhtmy7 wrote
Reply to comment by AllanfromWales1 in Scientists have shown how toxic dyes can be filtered out of wastewater using the method and material developed by the group. The procedure uses sunlight as a catalyst and doesn’t involve any pressure or heat. It can remove 80 percent of dye pollutants in wastewater. by Wagamaga
It looks like the cellulose is supposed to grab the dyes out of the water, and the exposure to sunlight is supposed to break them down. Whether they exfiltrate after breaking down, nor whether those degradation products are safe, isn’t clear.
If it does exfiltrate and it is safe, it seems pretty low waste, though. Otherwise, you would probably have to either swap the filters or recharge with fresh cellulose (and incinerate the old cellulose).
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