Andire t1_je0k0md wrote
Could be. Your brain also goes through a ["wash cycle"](,occurs%20primarily%20during%20deep%20sleep.) while you sleep that gets rid of toxins and waste products. But only during deep sleep, so it's possible not having access to consistent deep sleep would lead to inflammation and either degradation or slower development of the outer brain tissue that's mostly in contact with the fluids being "cleaned". There was a really cool video/gif of a scan that captured this process, so I'll see if I can find it.
Edit: I found it! Attached to an article from NIH - "Discovering the Brain’s Nightly “Rinse Cycle”".
creamonbretonbussy t1_je14yhu wrote
For the past 6 years I've been cheated of a full "wash cycle"
Khfreak7526 t1_je2kjyo wrote
Going on 15 for me.
creamonbretonbussy t1_je2o3sm wrote
Anything in the way of tips?
NanoWarrior26 t1_je2x2di wrote
Sleep study
[deleted] t1_je31gnu wrote
Khfreak7526 t1_je2o90f wrote
No I've given up.
creamonbretonbussy t1_je3aa25 wrote
Damn. I'm sorry to hear that. I don't blame you one bit though, in my first 2 years I went through half a dozen doctors and got nowhere, so I've just about quit too.
Andire t1_je45cbh wrote
Highly recommend you see your Dr and ask about doing a sleep study. They'll be able to determine if you have a common sleep disorder like sleep apnea, or need to see someone else for further study. HIGHLY recommend!!
[deleted] t1_je4ccvz wrote
joSSain t1_je0tabs wrote
Just replying in case you find the video/gif. It would be super interesting.
Andire t1_je133be wrote
I found it here: ["NIH - Discovering the Brain’s Nightly “Rinse Cycle”"] (
ObeyCoffeeDrinkSatan t1_je14yg7 wrote
This is weird. Whenever antidepressants kick in, for a couple of days I'll wake up and feel like my brain has been deep cleaned. Like it was filled with a cleaning fluid overnight. Had no idea it was actually a thing.
alwayslatetotheparty t1_je2jdzm wrote
Mind if I ask which one(s) you take?
ObeyCoffeeDrinkSatan t1_je3d2s0 wrote
I feel like it's most beneficial during that initial period when it kicks in. I've gone off and on it several times; additionally, alcohol seems to stop it working.
If they could somehow harness that consistently, it would be amazing.
[deleted] t1_je0obl7 wrote
SOwED t1_je0miri wrote
I would expect it to be high CO2 levels in the blood. Your SpO2 gets back to normal after not too long once you're awake and breathing normally, but CO2 levels remain elevated and reach a steady state level that is abnormally high.
I remember seeing a post here about room ventilation in schools and students performing better with a window open because of CO2 levels as well.
[deleted] t1_je0o0ek wrote
Hmmm. So I’ve been told I snore, and always have. I do apparently stop breathing at times. I got an Apple watch to monitor my oxygen levels and they don’t go below 90 when I sleep. But it may be high co2 that is the worry? Which the watch doesn’t test obviously. Great. I’m doomed. Also; breath holding as in swimming or diving, that could be doing brain damage?
Eelwithzeal t1_je0qam6 wrote
Get a sleep study done. I did and only got 5 hrs of sleep because they’re always waking you up to adjust your mask and air pressure. Swear to God it felt like I slept for 12 hours. I’ve never felt more alert in my life without any caffeine.
I’m less anxious during the day. I have less nightmares. My cpap changed my life.
DadBodBallerina t1_je114e6 wrote
Hard second this. I'm 3 years into using mine. It puts me to sleep now.
SOwED t1_je0wdtk wrote
>I do apparently stop breathing at times.
Not breathing is what apnea means. Also, 90 is pretty low...
Revlis-TK421 t1_je1aycj wrote
Seconding going to get a sleep study. The hassle of a CPAP is completely worth it if you have sleep apnea. That first week of sleep after getting used to the mask is glorious. You don't realize how exhausted and tired you are through the day if you aren't sleeping well due to apnea.
And unless you are spending man hours a day, every day, holding your breath for extended periods of time then no, you shouldn't be doing any quantifiable damage.
Aggravating-Prize-73 t1_je1uwms wrote
Sleep tech here - get a sleep study done! Your watch is not a doctor, but for sure providing you with info you could and should discuss with one.
[deleted] t1_je25gsj wrote
I’ll ask my GP when I go in for labs next month.
Active_Remove1617 t1_je1wmtx wrote
I don’t rate the Apple Watch oxygen monitoring. It only samples about 10 times in a single nightly sleep period. I sometimes wear an oxygen monitor and it never correlates with the watch. I’m on CPAP too.
[deleted] t1_je253pz wrote
Hmmm. Ok. Good to know. Is there a setting to make it check more often?
Active_Remove1617 t1_je26hyq wrote
Nope. It’s a very poor attempt. Maybe in future updates.
[deleted] t1_je2d9k0 wrote
Beh. That’s why I got the thing, really. To check my sleeping.
Active_Remove1617 t1_je2ek8i wrote
Me too. That and the ECG function.
[deleted] t1_je2fky4 wrote
Well don’t tell me THATS stupid too?
Active_Remove1617 t1_je2go01 wrote
No,I hear that’s really good. Top class. This makes the O2 poor performance all the more lamentable. The o2 measuring is actually accurate but the sample rate is awful.
Wagamaga OP t1_jdzfco0 wrote
Researchers found that among nearly 100 teens who underwent brain scans, those with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) tended to have thinner tissue at the brain's surface, and some signs of inflammation in a brain area key to memory and learning.
Exactly what those brain structure differences mean is not yet clear, said senior researcher Dr. Raanan Arens, chief of respiratory and sleep medicine at Children's Hospital at Montefiore in New York City.
But the findings -- recently published in the journal Sleep -- do suggest that OSA can lead to observable alterations in kids' brains.
Studies estimate that anywhere from 1% to 5% of children have obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder in which tissues in the throat constrict during sleep, causing repeated stops and starts in breathing. Loud snoring is the most obvious symptom, but daytime sleepiness and attention problems are also red flags.
ZiltoidTheOmniscient t1_je0q95k wrote
I would like to know if I have something like this but maybe because of inflammation? My family complains about my constant loud snoring. I've been to several specialists but they say because I'm a thin, active young woman, I'm not at risk for sleep apnea and it looks like I just have a small nasal passageway. I'm so exhausted that I need to rest during my lunches and after work and I still sleep a solid 8 hours a day. I've got a terrible memory to the point where it's actually a diagnosed issue but they don't know the cause. I'm desperate for answers and a solution :(
AllSugaredUp t1_je0rhq2 wrote
You need a sleep study. You can definitely be thin and young and still have OSA. There are plenty of people on r/sleepapnea that fit that bill.
ZiltoidTheOmniscient t1_je0rrbs wrote
Thank you! I had one done as a youth and they said I was fine, but that was 15 years ago now. I suppose things can change. I didn't even think about that, I appreciate your response
Aggravating-Prize-73 t1_je1vd9x wrote
Weight gain/health changes/age all can play a part. Also if you still have your tonsils and adenoids those can cause an obstruction in your air passageways. See a doctor and get a referral for bother sleep study to at least rule sleep apnea out. Or if it is sleep apnea they can discuss a treatment plan with you.
[deleted] t1_je0s7c3 wrote
glintings t1_je0scpi wrote
you might need jaw surgery. my partner just had it and it increased her airway by 100%
what's happening is that (due to using pacifiers as babies, softer processed food diets and a few other things) modern jaws are frequently malformed in their growth in a way that makes the airway constricted.
so you could be thin, healthy and fit, but because of a malformed jaw, your airway just isn't big enough for you to breathe as comfortably as you should, and this is exacerbated when you're sleeping.
ZiltoidTheOmniscient t1_je0uul2 wrote
Thanks! How would I find this out? Just ask my doctor to refer me to a jaw specialist to confirm?
glintings t1_je183iz wrote
pretty much yeah, or if you have an orthodontist, they can refer too.
you're looking for a maxillofacial surgeon. it is an intense surgery. in our case she had her upper jaw bone broken into three and rearranged with metal plates, her bottom jaw in two.
and recovery is not easy. it's been a month on a liquid diet, and now soft foods.
but pretty much everyone who's done it is really glad they did. check out /r/jawsurgery
[deleted] t1_je1ali6 wrote
KingKongAintGotShitt t1_je24tz5 wrote
I had jaw surgery to fix my sleep apnea a couple years ago and it didn’t help me. So in my case there may be something else at play. There are other surgeries that may help in your case. Also CPAP is great if it works for you. Unfortunately it caused me a lot of issues, which is why I tried the surgery. If you want any advice feel free to send me a message. I have a routine right now that has definitely helped but it’s not perfect.
[deleted] t1_je14a5d wrote
KingKongAintGotShitt t1_je2420s wrote
Unfortunately I had jaw surgery to fix my sleep apnea and it didn’t really seem to help much. It’s not a cure-all and it does carry some very serious side effects that I’m worried about. It’s a last resort option. I only decided to take the risk since I couldn’t use CPAP because I would wake up with severe abdominal pain from air filling my stomach. I guess this was caused by a faulty esophageal sphincter that would open when using the CPAP.
Lizgandp t1_je31uy5 wrote
Look into UARS, sometimes called “skinny women sleep apnea.” And yes get a sleep study, but know that it may present differently on the study than obstructive sleep apnea. I would also consider looking into myofuntional therapy, it has been shown to improve the effectiveness of c pap machines, and is non-invasive. As a last resort people often get surgery, often called MMA surgery. If you can’t breathe through your nose for 3 mins straight start with an ENT to evaluate your airway.
ZiltoidTheOmniscient t1_je3bomt wrote
I've never been able to breathe through my nose properly. It feels laboured but my ENT says it's just inflammation and small passages and if it bothers me, I have to be on a several year wait list for surgery, but not something that should be a problem. It definitely is a problem.
Lizgandp t1_jealvra wrote
Well if you are already on a wait list maybe consider seeing a myofuntional therapist in the meantime - they often have a network of airway focused dental professionals and ents that take it more seriously, you might get info that is helpful. Maybe start with looking up the website for the breathe institute, lots of info and a list of professionals in your area that have focused on this area of study. Good luck!
[deleted] t1_je0zkdc wrote
zeekenny t1_je489nv wrote
Do you have a bigger tongue? The checklist for sleep apnea is like, thicker neck, overweight, obstructed nasal passageway, bigger tongue. Doesn't have to be all of those either.
I had it for a long time before I went to get it checked out. In my case I check off everything on the list. It is better when I'm at a good weight, but because I check off everything else on the list I'm probably stuck with it.
I had my nose checked out, Doctor said one side was definitely constricted (slightly deviated septum), but he told me it wasn't bad enough that I'd ever get recommended for surgery.
The problem too is that, the clock might tell you you got 8 hours of sleep during the night, but with sleep apnea it's not solid sleep at all.
Rosieforthewin t1_je1l1nu wrote
You left out a critical point of the study: "We examined whether OSA in overweight and obese adolescent children is associated with cortical thickness and hippocampal structure."
The study group was overweight teens, not all teens.
Foxsayy t1_je00n9o wrote
Did they check whether treating the sleep Apnea had any effect?
IdesOfMarchCometh t1_je0eky1 wrote
It dramatically improves the brain yes. Many studies confirm this.
Cyathem t1_je0f985 wrote
Just had surgery to correct my OSA two months ago, at 31 years old. It's also REALLY bad for your heart. Glad to hear that the damage might be reversible. Wish I could have had the surgery sooner but US healthcare be like $$$.
silent_thinker t1_je0hezn wrote
What surgery? I’ve had a few that haven’t worked.
Cyathem t1_je0n0lu wrote
I had a deviated septum corrected and they removed some tissue in my frontal sinus to open space. My OSA was partially caused by a chronic sinus inflammation due to low airflow in some areas.
ZiltoidTheOmniscient t1_je0qyk7 wrote
I was told that I also have inflamed tissue but the doctor said there's nothing that can be done except for a possible wait list for several years for surgery and even then, it might not solve the issue. I snore loudly, my boyfriend comments on it almost daily. I'm so exhausted daily and have such a bad memory that I had a test done and it's a diagnosed disability. Maybe I should look into other countries who can do the surgery sooner, if it changed your life? I'm desperate for relief
Cyathem t1_je0ts1u wrote
I have a friend that lives in LA but went to Mexico for dental work. Maybe something like that is possible in your situation?
ZiltoidTheOmniscient t1_je0uq0u wrote
I can look into it, thank you so much :)
MrMitchWeaver t1_je3jkyo wrote
Look for countries with good healthcare and a favorable exchange rate. I know a lot of foreigners come to Argentina to get procedures. Even our expensive private medicine is accessible to them due to the exchange rate difference.
ThePortalsOfFrenzy t1_je0qd76 wrote
Purely anecdotal, but I had this surgery and the result was favorable for only a limited time (>1 year). My friend had a similar experience.
Cyathem t1_je0tnvk wrote
Well fingers crossed, I guess :3
KingKongAintGotShitt t1_je25feg wrote
I’m curious because I also have OSA, what did you mean by “low airflow in some areas?” I think I also might have chronic sinus inflammation.
iFootball_iTennis t1_je0fqe6 wrote
Good for you! How expensive was it?
Cyathem t1_je0n7ts wrote
I moved to Germany and had the surgery here. I only paid a bit for the hospital stay and a bit for the medicine from the pharmacy. Maybe €30-50 total. Everything else was covered by insurance because it was prescribed as "curative" treatment by my ENT.
skudgee t1_je0ql4u wrote
I have a myriad of problems with my respiratory system
- Severe central sleep apnea (I even lost 6 stone, 80 lb for Americans and I still have severe central sleep apnea)
- Deviated septum
- Nasal polyps
- Asthma
- Loads of other symptoms because I’m a mouth breather, like inflamed gums etc.
I’m trying to at least get surgery for my deviated septum and nasal polyps to relieve some of the pressure surrounding my nasal passages. How did you find it after your surgery?
JacenGraff t1_je0r2pa wrote
My understanding is that central apneas are caused by the brain, rather than obstructive apneas which are caused by tissue. Could be wrong, but that's what my sleep specialist told me when I was getting checked out. So weight wouldn't have anything to do with central apneas.
skudgee t1_je0rlxy wrote
You’re correct. Less than 1% of the general population have severe central sleep apnea (yay to been part of the exclusive club). But my specialist said that it might be worth trying to lose weight to bring other health benefits to my life.
I was low-key praying that I was misdiagnosed with central and I had obstructive instead, but nope.
JacenGraff t1_je0s8kc wrote
That's fair, and I'm sorry to hear that you're going through that. I hope treatment goes well for you!
DamagedGenius t1_je1alo7 wrote
There's some implants that I'm hoping will work for central apnea one day
[deleted] t1_je0mk8x wrote
iamfondofpigs t1_je2ieqn wrote
Consult Table 1 for a huge list of studies on this matter.
TNF-α serum concentrations are used to track inflammation.
Rightmost column indicates whether a study found link between sleep apnea and inflammation.
"Effect of Tx" column indicates whether a study checked for effect of sleep apnea treatment on inflammation, and if it did, what was the result.
IdesOfMarchCometh t1_je2ma61 wrote
There are others showing CPAP helps in other dimensions:
I would say the evidence is pretty clear CPAP helps the brain reverse damage caused by OSA.
Nalfgar123 t1_je0mwrr wrote
> the outer brain tissue
how to do that?
BardTheBoatman t1_je0bjyw wrote
Relatively well known that sleep apnea can cause permanent damage to grey matter in the brain and shortening of telomeres. Add this to the list of detrimental effects. Luckily my treatment worked, but my heart goes out to the poor souls that suffer with the disease especially those that aren’t overweight.
IdesOfMarchCometh t1_je0djjo wrote
When i got mty CPAP, there were 100 people in the room receiving theirs as well. Most were obese but I've always been skinny. A doctor announced that everyone needs to lose weight. I can't really do that. It has dramatically improved my life since and my career and personal life soared in my mid 30s. It changed my life but i had a bunch of questions. Why didn't I address this sooner. And why did i have it if I'm not overweight? I dug in and it turns out for most people who aren't overwhelmed with sleep apnea, sleep apnea is genetic. I had my brother tested and he has sleep apnea. Father refuses to get tested. I'm the only one in the family treated for it.
Looking back I remember friends talking about me, saying i had brain damage, they also hit me with pillows when i snored.... Little did everyone know.
BardTheBoatman t1_je0ep8o wrote
Possibly a dumb question here but have you been to a doctor to have your nose/sinuses/throat examined? In underweight to normal weight folks, the soft tissues responsible for constricting the airway can sometimes be removed with surgery.
IdesOfMarchCometh t1_je0txwb wrote
I have Kaiser. They don't do that, they give you a CPAP and forget about you. Their official stance is the surgery doesn't help, though they are all about saving costs.. I do have a pretty bad deviated septum. Maybe I'll switch providers and find someone who will address that or other issues i might have.
KingKongAintGotShitt t1_je27pbx wrote
That’s exactly what the sleep physicians said to me after I came back after my jaw surgery didn’t work. “I could have told you that wouldn’t work. Why don’t you try a different sleep apnea device for central sleep apnea?” Ya that didn’t work for me just like the other CPAP because my esophageal sphincter kept opening due to the pressure from the air causing severe abdominal pain. Now I play a didgeridoo every night and it does seem to help a bit but its not a perfect solution. I might go to an ear nose and throat doctor to see if nasal inflammation is the culprit.
IdesOfMarchCometh t1_je2dbwj wrote
One of my brothers managed to convince Kaiser to fix his deviated septum and now he sleeps better but yeah, a lot more people come to doctors with sleep apnea even after surgery and most kind of look down on it as a treatment for sleep apnea.
InThisBoatTogether t1_je0giyd wrote
My dad never got tested either, but we're all positive he had sleep apnea pretty much forever. He was just convinced he didn't want the hassle of a CPAP. His heart stopped and he died... He was only 54. We have no way to know if it was related but I strongly suspect it was a factor. Last time my brother and I saw him my brother tried to convince him of the danger and he just shot it down. I hope your father will listen to you soon!
chiisana t1_je0fva0 wrote
I’m underweight and have a pretty severe case with over 30 events per hour. Using the machine brings it down to sub 10 (often sub 5), but it’s been more than a year and I still unconsciously remove the mask each night. Sounds like your treatment is very successful, any tips on keeping it on?
agnostic_universe t1_je0k0v0 wrote
30 per hour is on the lower end of the moderate scale, believe it or not. I was at about 120 before getting a CPAP
[deleted] t1_je1lf8n wrote
TragicNut t1_je0skxr wrote
Try different masks? If you're physically uncomfortable, you're more likely to remove it. Also, is your pillow pushing your mask against your face?
I've found that I'm most comfortable with a nasal cradle that also covers my mouth (resmed f30i.) I don't really want something pushing into my nose (nasal pillows) or resting on the bridge so that narrowed it down a lot for me. I'd prefer a simple nasal cradle (like the n30i) but my lips don't stay sealed when I sleep so I need the mouth coverage or I end up dumping a ton of air out of my mouth.
chiisana t1_je1l7ye wrote
Thanks for this. I’m using F&P Eson2 right now. The other one they gave me originally felt like having air lances going up my nose and was totally unbearable. I’ll try a full face with mouth one next time I get new mask!
TragicNut t1_je1q5n9 wrote
Sadly, this is one of those things that varies hugely from person to person. I lucked out and found one I like on the second try, one of my friends took 4 tries to find one for her.
brihone t1_je11peg wrote
I was struggling with the same issue over the last year. Some nights I'd wake up with it on, but most nights I'd pull it off after maybe 3 or 4 hours. Sometimes less. Tried several different masks. None are significantly more comfortable.
Not sure if this applies to you at all, but I quit drinking almost entirely and started hitting the gym regularly and it doesn't seem to be a problem anymore.
The mask is still uncomfortable. I don't think it'll ever be truly comfortable. But I guess I sleep deeply enough now that I don't get into that half awake place and take it off.
I had been drinking pretty regularly. Not always a lot, but pretty much one or two every night with occasional big nights.
I'm feeling more rested, but that could be a result of the exercise, less drinking or more CPAP consistency. Probably a combo of all 3.
chiisana t1_je1krf6 wrote
Thank you for this. I don’t drink but maybe working out more will help!
IdesOfMarchCometh t1_je0uf90 wrote
Like someone else wrote, try another mask. I tried a bunch but settled on the dream ware nasal pillow. Seems to work very well. Also i would avoid CPAPs from Philips assuming they haven't improved from the system one.
Sankofa416 t1_je0c6su wrote
Yep. Of course all of us should be alert, but check out any kids you know who 'snore' in a way that changes their breathing. Much, much better to intervene while their still growing.
LameJazzHands t1_je0dq72 wrote
You don’t have to snore to have sleep apnea. I have it and don’t snore. I have the “low arousal threshold” subtype. I don’t actually have many periods where I stop breathing — I have micro-awakenings whenever there is some resistance. Basically, I wake up before my breathing has a chance to stop.
So, sleep disordered breathing without snoring.
SOwED t1_je0mxkc wrote
There's also nonobstructive sleep apnea but regular OSA with snoring is the most common type.
LameJazzHands t1_je0p7rv wrote
Mine is obstructive, not central. There are different phenotypes within OSA.
Low arousal threshold is often missed precisely because people assume that snoring is a cardinal symptom.
Sankofa416 t1_je0gpw2 wrote
Thanks! I had no idea this existed, but it makes sense. I'll look into it.
Dystopiq t1_je0g1t8 wrote
I’ve read that sleep apnea may be under diagnosed because it tends to get attributed to obesity. Due to that bias people just assume someone at a healthy size and weight won’t have it
SOwED t1_je0n731 wrote
No doubt it is under diagnosed. It has long been viewed as a thing obese people and elderly people have, so single people who don't have someone in bed with them telling them "hey you snore but you also like stopped breathing for a bit" are likely to attribute their fatigue and brain fog to anything but sleep apnea.
vinlo t1_je1zmrn wrote
I've had OSA since probably 13. I'm 33. I just had a surgery to correct my deviated septum, and that plus a dental sleep appliance ensures that I can breathe at night, but I still feel I have a much lower "energy limit" than I otherwise should have (i.e. even good sleep only recharges my batteries to 80% at best.)
I wonder if that's the result of permanent brain damage from 20 years of sleep apnea
tnew12 t1_je16ue4 wrote
Ugh, tell me about it. I was diagnosed at 25 with a BMI of 22. My apnea went from mild to severe after getting teeth removed for braces at 29. I guess I add that to my list of how my body betrayed me.
My 2yo daughter snores loud like me, so its just a matter of time
Individual-Ad-6624 t1_je0599n wrote
There is a similar condition involving the nose called Rhinitis.,and%20impaired%20quality%20of%20life
Andire t1_je0l531 wrote
This article specifically talks about allergic rhinitis, which is rhinitis, or nose inflammation, specifically caused by allergies. It's real talk, I have it myself sadly and have done sleep studies thinking it was sleep apnea, but apparently sleep apnea only counts for airway obstructions in your throat, not your nose. So there's no treatment for me besides surgery and hoping for the best.
SOwED t1_je0mpot wrote
Brutal. I have both of them and have had a surgery for the nose. It's not the worst recovery, and I still breathe much better through my nose than I ever did before.
lookamazed t1_je0o48n wrote
Wouldn’t a pap machine be considered treatment? Excuse my ignorance.
lakuma t1_je1c4mi wrote
For those who are interested, here are two procedures with minimal invasiveness that can be done in the doctor's office.
I've only had the RhinAer procedure which helped but didn't fix my specific issue. I might try the ClariFix to see if it will help with the inflammation every single night.
GoGoGadge7 t1_je0q33f wrote
Let’s keep starting school at 5:30 AM though.
SlowCrates t1_je0k9qq wrote
I would not be surprised to discover that the inability to sleep is the likely reason for the inflammation, and not the other way around. And that anxiety, post traumatic stress, or other psychological issues are the reason for the lack of sleep.
But of course these things sound horribly cyclical. I can't imagine that having trouble learning or remembering things will help you pull out of whatever situation is ailing you.
ArmyScienceNerd t1_je0px88 wrote
Breath training can alleviate or eliminate sleep apnea. Reading a book called "breath" by James Nestor and its incredible how our actual skulls have changed as a result of improper breathing and chewing soft food. Something to look into if you struggle with any pulmonary disorder.
woieieyfwoeo t1_je1568o wrote
Just bought this, it's enlightening.
Tahoeclown t1_je0nd86 wrote
I really need to get a cpap
DamagedGenius t1_je1aqca wrote
I wish I could wear mine. I get maybe an hour or so before my anxious subconscious rips it off my face
Tahoeclown t1_je1fwti wrote
That happened to me during the “trial period”. Hence never got it
[deleted] t1_je1t095 wrote
KingKongAintGotShitt t1_je28jfb wrote
Did you have any abdominal pain after wearing the CPAP? I’d wake up, ripping the mask off my face and have abdominal pain similar to how food poisoning feels. Just a constant pain that wasn’t sharp, but hurt pretty bad.
[deleted] t1_je2lvaz wrote
KingKongAintGotShitt t1_je3rm0q wrote
Apparently I have a faulty esophageal sphincter that opens very easily from the air pressure of the CPAP. And I couldn’t pass the air through farting/burping it out. I was able to burp it out by drinking a coke, but it was very painful and after it happened a few times I decided it wasn’t worth it and I tried to find alternative solutions.
Tahoeclown t1_je2cucm wrote
I am constantly waking up gasping for air. It sucks. Got my doc on the case
[deleted] t1_je2mt6u wrote
odd-42 t1_je1hbmh wrote
And daytime symptoms of ADHD probably
mnorri t1_je3f6s6 wrote
Yes!! I know a developmental pediatrician. She says it’s her SOP to order a sleep study when a child presents with ADHD symptoms. When they’re young, CPAPs are not a good idea (the whole “skull not being solidified yet” issue. When the interventions like tonsils and adenoids removed improve the OSA, the ADHD symptoms can improve a lot too.
Queasy-Bite-7514 t1_je0of7g wrote
How many adolescents have sleep apnea? If they do it’s likely correlated with a host of other risk factors for neurological changes which I hope were controlled for. I can’t access the whole article. I’m guessing with a random sample of 100 adolescents you’re not gonna find many with sleep apnea.
AutoModerator t1_jdzf9qv wrote
Welcome to r/science! This is a heavily moderated subreddit in order to keep the discussion on science. However, we recognize that many people want to discuss how they feel the research relates to their own personal lives, so to give people a space to do that, personal anecdotes are allowed as responses to this comment. Any anecdotal comments elsewhere in the discussion will be removed and our normal comment rules apply to all other comments.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
[deleted] t1_je00k7l wrote
[deleted] t1_je0amc0 wrote
[deleted] t1_je0an6x wrote
[deleted] t1_je0dx58 wrote
[deleted] t1_je0jsx3 wrote
alleks88 t1_je152kq wrote
Got CPAP 6 weeks ago, after falling asleep even at a red light. I always had bad sleep according to my girlfriend, but it got so worse in the last few months... I am so happy now, my sleep improved dramatically.
For me it did not get better, but worse when I started losing weight a few months ago. Maybe because I am also training for powerlifting and strongman and my neck muscles got also bigger.
[deleted] t1_je30rtv wrote
[deleted] t1_je3kzzt wrote
HungryTreasure t1_je44nbo wrote
Went undiagnosed until 30. My brain must be fucked for good. Probably get dementia too.
[deleted] t1_je4d5s6 wrote
DeNoodle t1_je0vlpe wrote
Anecdote: My GF snores hella loud, she is also dumb as a box of rocks and can't remember what happened 5 minutes ago, but she would fight a gorilla for me and is a really good cook, so its all good.
[deleted] t1_jdzz3d7 wrote
Is this a result of low oxygen levels, or some other issue?