UnionOfSexWorkers t1_jdlly1g wrote
Reply to comment by Fthat_ManaBar in Individuals with secure emotional attachment are more likely to forgive and to be forgiven, study finds by chrisdh79
Ignore the idiots replying to you. This is one of the best takes on the matter I have seen in history.
When trust is broken aand a person comes back to you asking for forgiveness very quickly after breaking that trust clearly the person has not made any substantial changees in who they are as a person. Therefore we have to always keep our guard up...until the person has demonstrated over years, YES YEARS, that they have made this substantial change. That person will probably revert back to that dickheaded behaviour within 3 or 4 weeks, just give it some time.
If the person never does that dickheaded thing again in like 3 or 4 YEARS!? Well then congratulations! You've met someone who actually gives a damn about self-reflection and about you!
Fthat_ManaBar t1_jdn5xb3 wrote
Exactly. Time is the best indicator for whether or not a person actually changed. A charade only lasts for so long. The amount of love you have for the person will be what determines whether or not you stick around long enough to see if they change or not. It's what determines whether or not to give a second chance. Some deserve it some don't.
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