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dinoseer t1_iqq2jgr wrote

Please explain how Orcas are an Invasive Species? Orcas have free Reign over the Oceans - they can swim literally anywhere on the Planet...


Xyvexz t1_iqqvw0e wrote

That's not correct as there are zones that where so cold and icy that orcas were unable to live for long, these zones are now warming up


TheArcticFox444 t1_iqruwa3 wrote

Orcas need air. Ice in the Arctic provided a barrier keeping them out and] narwhales in. With less ice, the orcas can penetrate further...hence, invasive species.


TheNerevarim t1_iqqahjn wrote

Oracas are predatory species. They attack pretty much everything. From small fish to whales.