Nigelwethers t1_iuiat6l wrote
Reply to comment by joelypolly in Study uncovers a surprising temporal relationship between cognitive function and physical activity by BlitzOrion
You just fight yourself and do it all anyway. The biggest obstacle you have to overcome in life is yourself.
spiralbatross t1_iuid2nx wrote
Yeah there was that 96 year old dude who kept biking
Anon_user666 t1_iujtl4r wrote
That's amazing. I prepared and placed a ghost bike for an 85 year old man who was told by his doctor to stay active to live longer. He was struck and killed by a driver while riding in his neighborhood. Life just isn't fair. I can only hope to have his gumption when I reach that age. It takes every bit of my willpower to just get out of bed. RIP Mr. Rucker
spiralbatross t1_iujty30 wrote
Aw man that’s sad :( I’m sorry
[deleted] t1_iuicz2q wrote
koalazeus t1_iuk8oy4 wrote
Or sometimes a gorilla.
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