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quyllur t1_iucihld wrote

Context is missing here and I believe we need to go deeper. Ultimately it is law enforcement of forest and land tenure policies. If the local actors who are supposed to enforce these policies don't do it due to lack of resources or get incentives under the table to turn a blind eye, is this the responsibility of the companies? If it is, are we then saying that companies - the private sector - should be responsible for law enforcement? Maybe the answer is yes. Or maybe the answer should be that when faced with this situation companies should just shut close all business in that region?


worotan t1_iucrdtr wrote

The answer is between the two extremes you offer as a way of making it seem impossible.

And it demonstrates why we need people who care about working, not people who are just trying to find any way to strip costs from industries they’ve seen people like to consume and so have bought the rights to in order to skim money easily.

Work to live well, not to profit easily.