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jtrdrew t1_iu46hxp wrote

For anyone dabbling in the idea of becoming more active. Starting out you have to be very humble with your goals. It takes a lot of humility.

I picked some basic weight lifts and push up/sit ups. I call it my prison workout. I live in a small apartment and used to think I didn’t have space/time for exercising daily. Now I budget 30 minutes a night. I started incredibly small and have only really just begun.

I started with the goal of 1 set 1 rep of each, because motivation doesn’t come before action it comes during/after. Set your bar low folks and you’ll be very surprised how quickly you’ll see results!

Edit: I figured I should make an edit on this since it’s gaining a little traction.

I use a habit tracking app on my phone to encourage myself to drink more water, eat consistently (I still allow garbage food, but I was skipping meals and figured if I aim at just becoming more consistent with meals I can adjust as I go), getting out/socializing (I have really bad anxiety/agoraphobia, so just leaving my apartment is very difficult for me sometimes. Sometimes just walking around in the backyard counts, sometimes I make it to a new place or event), and lastly I track exercise/stretching.

I’ve been tracking/adjusting habits for over a year now. I fall off sometimes for days, weeks, or months, but the visual representation of my efforts always brings me back.

I’m on week 3 for my 30 minute daily exercise. I’ve gone from doing 1 set with half reps/bad form and last night I actually completed my first bigger goal of 3 sets, 12 reps/lift to failure. I’m noticing a difference in my physical appearance, my mindset, my ability to rest/remain calm under stress, my focus is getting better, days no longer drag on. There’s so many little things I’m noticing improvement in!


I_shat_in_yer_cunt t1_iu4u9g3 wrote

The best workout is the one you do regularly.

For your health, walking 10 minutes a day is probably better than running a marathon once a year.

Keep trying out activities and anything active until you find something that you will do consistently, then over time, try to get better at it.


Junior_Arino t1_iu5f4nt wrote

The hardest part about starting out that no one talks about is the extreme soreness afterwards. It’s debilitating especially if you have to work a physical job later. I’m fairly active and have been trying to get my gf more active but it’s hard to stay consistent when she’s sore for a whole week after one workout.


BeerMeMarie t1_iu5hpah wrote

That's just from overdoing it, though. Do a few weeks of very low weight (if she's using weight) and low reps, and one set. Build up over time.

Edit: and it may seem counter intuitive, but exercising the same muscles when they're sore actually decreases the soreness. Is she sore? Do some stretches, some exercises (light if just beginning/getting back into it), some more stretching, and she'll feel better.


Junior_Arino t1_iu5u9vv wrote

That’s the thing, I knew she would be sore so we just did body weight exercises for her. But I’ll keep those tips in mind, just have to start extremely slowly


I_shat_in_yer_cunt t1_iu680kx wrote

By definition if she’s sore you over did it.

Not everyone likes DOMS :)

It can be really surprising how little a completely untrained person can do on the first few workouts, but it’s key to start easy.


No_Incident_1120 t1_iu5ykun wrote

Repeat the exercise on top of the soreness to push the lactic acid buildup out of the muscles. It works.


I_shat_in_yer_cunt t1_iu68526 wrote

Kind of, but not quite. I’m wouldn’t repeat the exercise at the same intensity, instead light activity I.e. active recovery is best, for example an easy stationary bike.


MiseALepreuve t1_iu6g82q wrote

I wouldn’t agree with that, but only because to run a marathon you have to be in good shape all the time and specifically train for a marathon.

No one runs a marathon without getting good daily exercise


I_shat_in_yer_cunt t1_iudjk3s wrote

Well, obviously.

It was a hypothetical example.

You must be really fun at parties.