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garbage-pale-kid t1_irz0qzm wrote

I never said all men. I said men, because it's men that do that to me. If a woman ever follows me down the street because I ignored her catcalling, or if me and other girls have to go to the bathroom in groups for safety against other girls, or if women start creeping on me while I'm waiting for the bus or minding my own business, I'll say "people do that to me". But until then, it's only men.


PuerhRichard t1_irz3lkx wrote

You didn’t say all men. That’s right. You did however say “men” which obviously implied all men. You could have done better in being more specific. You’re just backpedaling and trying to inject doubt into the topic.

Since no one usually says anything because of fear of being labeled the sexist people pull this sort of thing all day which is it’s own form of sexism justified by blaming an entire outgroup. There’s nothing inheritable wrong with men. You failed to point out that women objectify men on a site where they often get men to pay them to essentially do nothing or things they didn’t do like getting others to make fake used panties.

Sure it’s gross oftentimes and treats women poorly, but since it’s a popular way for many women’s peers to make lots of money off of men who do who knows what to make their income a lot of people feel it’s acceptable even the people who think porn made by companies is inherently objectifying towards women.


PuerhRichard t1_irz3s1u wrote

See there ya go trashing men there. You could say some men like the ones that aren’t going out of the way to protect you physically, verbally, and emotionally.


garbage-pale-kid t1_irz4063 wrote

There are no, and have never been men in my life who protect me.


PuerhRichard t1_irz5fbv wrote

Ok great well keep blaming all men and acting like you don’t. You definitely aren’t protecting them with that. You’re just trying to boost your value by dumping on others.

By the way no man of fighting age was allowed to leave the country while lots of others were on onlyfans and living abroad. That doesn’t matter to you though because you only think of yourself.


Breakfest-burrito t1_irzmf6z wrote

People seem to think their own personal experience is enough to represent the world and all of humanity. She's just jaded it feels like


Guilty-Peace-324 t1_is0ck7w wrote

You’re not the hero you think you are right now. You’re not defending victims who happen to be male or female, however you are defending monsters who happen to be men right now. You inserted “all men” to the conversation and used it to redirect the conversation. You’re taking part in monstery. I would recommend not being a monster. You’re probably gonna continue on though in some sort attempt feel like you have any high moral ground…


PuerhRichard t1_is14j9r wrote

Ad hominem comment. I pointed out the lack of clarity. I’m not a monster despite your need for me to be one. That’s your profile. I suggest you don’t be a hypocrite. What she was bringing up was a nonsequiter to redirect the discussion. I see you’re familiar with that so you shouldn’t have tried to pretend I did such. You have a mental block that inhibits you from being fair with men. I could have gone on about cases where I’ve known men to be victims of women: physical assault, emotional abuse, gaslighting (which you’re doing despite what you think), and familial alienation. Have some integrity and accountability rather than call people names on the internet.