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Thin_Insect_3005 t1_isrvps1 wrote

Still, the trend should be the other way around, how can pcos women with bmi>30 have less insulin resistance than bmi<30 ? Everybody agrees about the common sense parts you mention, of course a fat person would have more metabolic disorders. But the hormonal mechanisms behind gestational diabetes are yet to be clarified and do not only depend on the usual T2 diabetes stuff.


Most-Performer-5064 t1_isrzbo1 wrote

Weight was not specify, that was my problem.


Thin_Insect_3005 t1_isuv61k wrote

The interest of BMI is it's more informative than weight


Most-Performer-5064 t1_isw76ci wrote

Weight or bmi dosent matter when a woman is overweight or obese. Excess adipos cells elevate inflamatory markers in the body. Is it worse with a person who has pcos or not? If it is worse with pco than follow up study should be about weight and pco.