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Ry715 t1_isyee45 wrote

I wonder if more diseases do this as well? It seems like we are having a jump in autoimmune disorders post covid.


FetusDrive t1_isygo3m wrote

you wouldn't notice this right away. It would mean the people who had protections against autoimmune disorders would have made it moreso that they die from COVID meaning they wouldn't pass on those genes. So the people who are protected from COVID who don't die will pass on those genes.

So you wouldn't notice this uptick until generations down the line.


Foxs-In-A-Trenchcoat t1_isyn2cj wrote

Covid killed mostly older people who already had children, so it wouldn't be a selection pressure.


DuncanYoudaho t1_isz0i28 wrote

Yes and no. Older people that don’t breed help raise younger people and increase their fitness. Or so the theory goes.


Foxs-In-A-Trenchcoat t1_isz0tzv wrote

Probably doesn't matter much in first world countries.


GlobeTrekking t1_iszfcsg wrote

Agreed. Especially with an average age of death in developed countries of around 78 years old.


Welmarian t1_iszhpj0 wrote

I'd bet money the average age of death is drastically reduced after recurring Covid infections. If you consider it's a vascular disease, and the side effects that are reminiscent of trauma, repeated trauma leads to prematurely mortality. Thus, repeated Covid infections would in theory do the same.


NEIC_ADMIN t1_it2uzxc wrote

In Northern European and England-offshoot nations, grandparents mostly don't help with raising kids.

If most people dying are 60+ it's not natural selection. Parents of minors are mostly in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.


DuncanYoudaho t1_it30r4k wrote

“Raising kids” can be as small as babysitting for date night. Or allowing someone to borrow a car for a doctor appointment.


Freakinlasers t1_isyjqkv wrote

To tack on to what the other poster said, while we wouldn’t see this type of selection for generations, we may see more active autoimmune conditions simply because viruses can trigger autoimmunity.