DexDevos t1_iwbpuw3 wrote
Reply to comment by theronimous in Psychiatric Diagnoses Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients Compared to Cisgender Patients by Frougnasse
>encouraging people to accept the body they were born with
Are you advocating for forcing people to conform themselves to the conservative norm and have them repress themselves to depression and eventual suicide?
Accepting your gender dysphoria is impossible, it can only be repressed. You cant understand this fact because you havent lived it. But plenty of people are living this reality and your rethoric, that equates gender dysphoria to petty dissatisfaction with one's body, harms them in so many ways. It's quite literally like dismissing severe depression for 'wanting attention' and to just 'man up'. Telling them to accept their bodies as they are and to just 'don't be a sissy' and to just 'stop being sad' when solutions are so readily available is just evil and cruel.
Just allow people to change their bodies to reflect themselves, whats so hard about that?
Also, how a doctor treats their patients is irrelevant to the argument, a doctor treats the ailments in accordance to the patients needs, in that setting everything else is irrelevant.
And your argument over genetics isnt that set in stone as you believe it to be either, there are many complicated intricacies there that can result in someone being born a cis-male with xxy chromosomes or a cis-female being born with xy chromosomes.
theronimous t1_iwd8uue wrote
How do you change genetics? Your body develops based on whats coded in your genome. The fact is that you consider gender based on your own misconceptions and social constructs that define gender as stereotypes. Gender dysphoria is a made-up term based on a false premise. (Define male/female for me, if you can. What is the appropriate “role” for male/female.)
DexDevos t1_iwvz3b7 wrote
As you are not a doctor or otherwise employed in the psychological research field, you are unable to comment or critique on any medical research with any credence whatsoever unless you educate yourself and give medically relevant arguments for your statements and beliefs. (Sources are also relevant.)
Gender dysphoria is real, not made-up, and has been proven to exist by many medical research papers on the topic. You denying its existence is not "an opinion" or "your freedom of speech", it is factually incorrect and therefore misinformation.
Ironically enough, genetics is what causes gender dysphoria. Biology is a lot more complicated than the highschool level you are familiar with. The current medical hypothesis on what causes gender dysphoria is that it is an imbalance in fetal development in the womb during pregnancy. The brain devlops later than the primary sex organs and if there is a genetic fault that makes the 'fetal hormones' fluctuate between male and female then it is possible for the brain to develop like a typical female brain while the sex organs are that of a typical male, and vice-versa.
The statistical result is a spectrum of male and female with some people falling somewhere in the middle. Life isnt as binary as you would like to believe. Not everything is black and white, it has gray areas like everything else in life.
theronimous t1_ixt1yps wrote
Psychology is not a medical field, psychologists are not medical doctors. Since you don’t have even this basic knowledge, my respect for anything you have to say on this subject is minimal. I asked a simple question, define gender, which you either refuse to do or are incapable of answering.
theronimous t1_ixt8t4f wrote
So if someone came to your office convinced they were a bird, your suggestion would be to graft wings to their arms?
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