hickhelperinhackney t1_ixjsspu wrote
I should like to see policies based on evidence such as this rather than who is judged to be‘deserving’ of something above abject poverty
FuzzyBubbles117 t1_ixjuncq wrote
This also more directly coincides with the generational dip in crime and recidivism after mandating "unleaded" gasoline though...
Shiresire1565 t1_ixk1qny wrote
You mean sharing the wealth actually works?
[deleted] t1_ixk3r9m wrote
Dizzy_Slip t1_ixk7mcf wrote
You mean economic security reduces poverty which can in turn reduce crime. What a novel idea!
stealth_elephant t1_ixka4nk wrote
Everyone is deserving of something above abject poverty.
kawhi_2020 t1_ixkc2a8 wrote
The earned income tax credit is one of the worst programs we have. We create a negative tax for people as they make more money until they plateau, then we have a high marginal tax for people as they make money past the maximum benefit.
Just give everyone the same flat amount. The incentive to work crap has never been true.
incomprehensibilitys t1_ixkcixd wrote
Not if they can work but decide not to.
I support helping those who cannot support themselves, not those who decide that they can make more money off of the governmental support
hickhelperinhackney t1_ixkg7zt wrote
I quite agree. Our world has the resources. And who decides what is ‘deserving’ labor?
Tall-Log-1955 t1_ixkg9id wrote
Why do you think there isn't more of an incentive to work when we subsidize wages?
[deleted] t1_ixkjp0v wrote
couchfucker2 t1_ixkoqg5 wrote
Ya know an interesting thing happens when humans “decide not to work.” They tend to find work for themselves from their inherent passions. They create art, dance, become streamers, ect. It’s our instinct to do that, and it creates a richer more cultural society when people decide to do that. There’s easily enough money that was stolen from the workers share of economic growth to fund this kind of support, it’s nothing to the billionaire class. We did something like this in the US in the form of WPA and the National endowment for the arts and public broadcasting.
[deleted] t1_ixl5frg wrote
Fluffy_Artichoke_723 t1_ixlbktq wrote
You mean if we give people resources, provide them housing, income, healthcare, they don't see a need to resort to crime? Shocked. I'm just shocked.
pogo6023 t1_ixle16q wrote
Yet another marginal attempt to use pseudoscience to justify a social narrative. This so-called study demonstrates little to no evidence that the EIC reduces criminal involvement. "May be associated with..." concedes this. Another, perhaps more valid, conclusion would be that children in households engaging in earned incomes are less inclined to participate in criminal activity.
Strazdas1 t1_ixlfulh wrote
I wouldnt because this does not establish causation, when we already have established causation for this reduction via the ban of leaded gasoline.
Strazdas1 t1_ixlfwii wrote
yeah, thats how its "supposed to be". But in reality there are a lot of people who just sit at home and watch TV. Btw i support a full UBI and i think those people who choose not to do anything arent an issue.
[deleted] t1_ixli6ym wrote
SerialStateLineXer t1_ixlj7pz wrote
The claimed effect is implausibly large. The $1,000 in the title is cumulative over the first 14 years of life, not per year. Even if we assume that it's concentrated in the first five years of life, this implies that an extra $600 in income per year reduces criminal convictions in late adolescence by a third. If we assume that it's spread out over the whole 14 years, it would be a little over $200 per year.
Rather than measuring actual EITC benefits received by families, what they did was simulate the effects of variation in EITC policies between states and over time to estimate how much more or less a family would have received than the mean amount. This is highly vulnerable to confounding by, e.g., the secular decline in crime coinciding with increased funding for the EITC. This concern is limited but not eliminated by the fact that they grouped the children into 5-year birth cohorts. It is a bit suspicious that they didn't treat date of birth as a continuous variable. Furthermore, any number of other state-level factors could confound state-level differences in EITC policy.
Between the implausibly strong effect size and the methodological weaknesses, it's unlikely that they've identified a true causal effect here. There may be one, but probably not of the magnitude claimed here.
camisado84 t1_ixljs14 wrote
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Can you explain how you feel that even a massive redistribution of wealth would make meaningful changes (and lasting) in everyone's lives from those who have their finances predominantly leveraged? I say it like this, because most rich people aren't exactly hoarding gems and tying up their resources in fictional valuations (a small portion does, of course). Mostly those resources are tied back into the means of production.
Even if you take Musk's fortune at 200bn and redistribute it to every US citizen, that is ~600 bucks a person, one time. But that would require liquidating his leveraged portfolio which is nearly all in a small number of companies, which generate jobs and thus opportunities for individuals who otherwise may not have. Sure, that would free a very tiny amount of resources up for people to do something with, hopefully some of it very handy. But how do you quantify that to justify the execution of such a plan? (e.g. pilot programs that show it would be a net good for everyone)
While those individuals would no doubt spend it in the economy, how do you theorize this creates a net positive long term meaningful impact?
-downtone_ t1_ixlqpbl wrote
Is aggression tied to intelligence level?
incomprehensibilitys t1_ixmikuu wrote
If what you were saying about UBI is true, why aren't half of the 200 countries around the world doing it?
Many many trillions in the United States have flowed from the government and aid organizations to people over the last century or more. Social security, welfare, grants governmental aid for a variety of things,. Where is the evidence that these recipients create art and dance and a richer more cultural society? The evidence should be overwhelming.
And why aren't people who are working considered able to create these things you are saying? Are they stupid? A lot of these people open businesses and take karate and dream paint and travel and open social media and share photography and other things.
What money was stolen from people? Are you talking about what we did to Native Americans and enslaved people? We all know the great harm that was done to others. But where is all this easy money? We already owe tens of trillions to Medicare and Social Security. As well as tens of trillions in governmental borrowing. About 30 to 40% of government spending has to be borrowed. We don't have two nickels to rub together that are actually not borrowed.
For people who are talking about giving away other people's money, what have they done? Have you given back your home to a native person because it was stolen land? Have you made reparations to enslaved people's descendants with your own money? I am working on a multi-year project to try to return tens of thousands of acres of ancestral land back to Native Americans who are now hundreds to thousands of miles away from their ancestral land. It may fail, but it is worth trying
These are woke assertions, not proven reality.
ShinyHappyREM t1_ixn4ja1 wrote
Americans who moved to Europe or Japan, for example
[deleted] t1_ixn8kqe wrote
[deleted] t1_ixn91h8 wrote
SpiderFarter t1_ixnaksz wrote
So does school choice, plus kids get smarter too. school choice
FuzzyBubbles117 t1_ixnxu4v wrote
Not necessarily, but both may have been tied to lead exposure during developmental years - as heralded by long cited studies.
Point being: his didn't seem novel or specifically significant on its own merits as it didn't account for already observed phenomena which have been well vetted.
I'd love to see data taking both observations into account.
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