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BronchialChunk t1_ixi96gv wrote


ExtonGuy t1_ixja8cp wrote

Wait … bears are Jewish?


fargmania t1_ixjsi5j wrote

Well they need a Bear Mitzvah first.


janovich8 t1_ixl7550 wrote

Do they say mazel-paws afterward?


BronchialChunk t1_ixmesxn wrote

so a polar bear walks in to a bar, goes up to the bartender and goes: can I have a gin..........................................................and tonic?

bartender goes: why the long pause?


choke_da_wokes t1_ixk81jq wrote

Jewish space bears firing lasers at Kanye. No wonder he’s pissed


freelanceMoron t1_ixkac2r wrote

Pretty sure they're catholic... and that the pope shits in the woods...

I might be getting that backwards though.


chiefwiggum-Pi t1_ixks6b6 wrote

Anyways I'm still outraged.

On a side note, did you ever notice in that episode of the simpsons that there is a scene where the newspaper shows an article talking about the continued bombing campaign by the bear patrol? I love that Easter egg.


JustASingleHorn t1_ixlrlap wrote

I got “bear proof” trash cans… so I know if it’s ripped open, it wasn’t a fox… $400 to mostly keep the “bears out” per trash can otherwise it’s a huge fine..

(I can only speak towards the topic of bears in trash cans)