msmurdock t1_ivrbtpg wrote
Let's be very careful about calling this "science."
The entire group was 200 people. So basically nothing this study found was going to be statistically significant to begin with.
Then, they had one group take a single med (Lexapro), which works for some folks and not others and is not at all a front line med. That group did not get the mindfulness program or any additional therapy, despite the fact that even the most basic psych 101 course will teach you meds work best in conjunction with therapy.
This is basically garbage science...published on a site where the next recommended article wants to tell you about how angels will heal you better than any drug.
DespairOrNot t1_ivs8qva wrote
Escitalopram is absolutely a standard first line medication for anxiety and depression! Yes obviously they work best in conjunction with psychological therapy as you've said, but the drug they chose is very reasonable.
[deleted] t1_ivre3jz wrote
[deleted] t1_ivrshfl wrote
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