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cinemachick t1_ivwqoq7 wrote

Do the animals already have cancer, or do they induce cancer in the animals for testing purposes? I hope they were given loving care after the study was over, cancer sucks


ForeverStaloneKP t1_ivwykwb wrote

>I hope they were given loving care after the study was over,

They train and hire animal husbandry technicians to care for the animals daily before and during the studies, but post-study the animals are typically euthanized to prevent suffering. These people work hard and they have a tough job looking after animals they know won't be here soon, and of course people tend to blame/attack them for being involved in animal testing as they are low hanging fruit, an easy target on the front line, despite them working hard to ensure the animals are well cared for.


[deleted] t1_ivx7oa3 wrote



CultCrossPollination t1_ivxdtkf wrote

Human interaction causes stress to (non-pet) laboratory mice. Handling should be as fast as possible and as limited as possible, and cages should be enriched as much as possible. Source: I work with mice in tumor immunology. Rats, however, can really be very difficult to work with though. Because they clearly have a much higher social awareness and are much more intelligent then mice. You can kill a mouse next to his buddy, and he couldn't care less. You kill a rat across the room to a random rat, the guy/gall starts screaming the ears of your head. Source: I don't (want to) work with rats.


Stummi t1_ivxhimh wrote

IMHO the really hypocritic part about this is that the suffering of animals for Scientific progress is a tiny fraction compared to those that suffer for Meat and Dairy production, and one could argue that the first brings humanity forward why the second doesn't. I say that as a non-vegetarian btw, but IMHO if you enjoy meat (as I do) you don't have much ground to be against animal testing


OvoidPovoid t1_ivws4ez wrote

This was my question as well. Like can they initiate cancer at will, and if so, how?


Imaginary_Cup_691 t1_ivxngcp wrote

They can. I forget what the substance its called but they know how to induce arthritis and whatever they want basically. The arthritis one is like harvested exterior yeast cell walls harvested to make a product that somehow induces arthritis. It all gets way more in depth than we think about, but they know how to coax cancer 100%. Probably know a lot of good ways to reverse it too but that’s not as fun or profitable